January  2023 63
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
Media Use, Information Processing, and Emotional Responses among Wuhan Residents in the Early Stage of COVID-19 Outbreak: A Telephone Survey
作者 張明新、程渺然、岳漢玲、李宗亞
Author Mingxin ZHANG, Miaoran CHENG, Hanling YUE, Zongya LI
關鍵詞 新冠肺炎疫情、「封閉管理」、媒體使用、資訊加工處理、情緒反應
Keywords COVID-19, lockdown, media use, information processing, emotional response
摘要 2020年1月,突如其來的疫情危機打亂了中國大陸居民的春節節奏。為有效阻斷本土疫情傳播,中國實施了史無前例的大規模公共衛生應對舉措,對擁有900萬人口的武漢實施封鎖便是其中之一。「封閉管理」後的武漢民眾如何跟進疫情進展,又經歷著怎樣的心態變化?本研究在「封閉管理」期間通過對1,071位武漢市民進行電話問卷調查發現,受訪者主要通過網路與微信來獲取疫情資訊,年長者對電視依然保持高度依賴。研究還發現,媒體使用能顯著激發受眾的情緒反應;與傳統媒體相比,新媒體使用更能激發民眾的正面與負面情緒。此外,本研究也發現社區有無確診病例會調節媒體使用與情緒反應之間的關係,而資訊加工處理則對媒體使用與情緒反應之間的關係具有仲介效應。在理論層面,本文豐富了「媒介依賴」的相關研究,特別將民眾在疫情期間的正面情緒納入考察,拓寬了危機傳播研究的情緒圖譜,闡釋並檢驗了民眾資訊處理在媒體使用與情緒反應關係之間的作用機制。
Abstract In January 2020, the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 disrupted the rhythm of the Chinese Lunar New Year. To contain the spread of the virus, the Chinese government implemented the strictest-ever public health emergency response measures, one of which was to close outbound traffic from Wuhan—a major city with 9 million residents. During the city lockdown, how did Wuhan citizens cope with the pandemic? Did they experience mood swings? A telephone survey of 1,071 Wuhan citizens conducted during the lockdown found that respondents mainly accessed pandemic-related information from the Internet and WeChat, while the elderly remained highly dependent on television. The study also indicated that both traditional and new media use could stimulate emotional responses among the public, though new media was more powerful in evoking positive and negative emotions than traditional media. Additionally, we also found the number of confirmed infection in the community moderated the association between media use and emotional responses and information processing mediated the association between media use and emotional responses. Theoretically, this study enriches relevant research on media dependency, especially taking into account the positive emotions during the pandemic. It broadens the scope of research on emotion in crisis communication research and examines the role of information processing in the relations between media use and emotional responses.


Citation of this article:
Zhang, M., Cheng, M., Yue, H., & Li, Z. (2023). Media use, information processing, and emotional responses among Wuhan residents in the early stage of COVID-19 outbreak: A telephone survey. Communication and Society, 63, 33–66.
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