October  2022 62
研究論文Research Articles
How Uncertainty Affects an Organization’s Reputation during Crises
作者 姚惠忠、賴裕濱、林錦宏、凌儀玲
Author Hui-Chung YAO, Yu-Bin LAI, Ching-Hung LIN, I-Ling LING
關鍵詞 不確定感、組織聲譽、負面情緒、風險知覺、責任知覺
Keywords uncertainty, organization reputation, negative emotions, risk perception, responsibility perception
摘要 本研究以情緒認知雙因素模型為理論架構,探討因危害不確定感所引發的認知與情緒是如何相互作用及其所造成的影響。研究結果不僅驗證不確定感會影響組織聲譽
Abstract Based on the emotion-cognition dual-factor model of crisis communication, this study aimed to investigate the interactions and consequences of uncertaintyinvoked cognition and emotion. The research results not only verified that uncertainty affects the reputation of the organization but also showed how uncertainty affects the reputation of the organization. The main findings included the following: 1) fear affects anger through risk perception; 2) risk perception affects responsibility through anger; 3) fear triggers risk perceptions, while anger triggers responsibility perceptions; 4) an organization seeking to repair its image/reputation should focus on public perceptions of risk and responsibility; and 5) cognitive-oriented and emotional-oriented modes exist both simultaneously and alternately. The findings of our study contribute to crisis communication theories and have managerial implications, suggesting that a crisis response strategy based on the target audience’s perceptions of risk could foster public-centered thought about crisis communication.


Citation of this article:
Yao, H.-C., Lai, Y.-B., Lin, C.-H., & Ling, I.-L. (2022). How uncertainty affects an organization’s reputation during crises. Communication and Society, 62, 31–67.
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