October  2022 62
ICA年度雙語論文ICA Annual Bilingual Paper
The Role of Digital Information Accessibility in Shaping the Relationships of Exposure to COVID-19 Misinformation and Cognitive and Attitudinal Effects in Asia
作者 魏然、郭靖、王賽、黃懿慧
Author Ran WEI, Jing GUO, Sai WANG, Yi-Hui Christine HUANG
關鍵詞 新冠疫情、虛假資訊、數字媒體資訊近用性、認知、抵制疫苗態度
Keywords COVID-19 pandemic, misinformation, information accessibility, cognition, anti-vaccine attitudes
摘要 隨著新冠肺炎疫情的爆發和全球性傳播,相關虛假資訊在社群媒體平台滋生、流傳、誤導公眾。那麼,新冠疫情相關的虛假資訊是通過怎樣的機制危害公眾的認知與態度?本研究通過對四個文化相近、但資訊近用性不同的亞洲城市(即中國大陸的北京、香港、新加坡、台北)進行實證研究,考察了接觸疫情虛假資訊對錯誤觀念、疫苗態度、知識水準的負面影響。本研究的數據來自2021年8月開展的一項線上大型問卷調查,共有4,094名受訪者參與。研究結果顯示,社群媒體中流行的虛假資訊會使人們對於新冠疫情產生錯誤的認知、形成抵制疫苗態度,並阻礙學習相關知識。此外,我們也發現在數字媒體資訊近用性高的社會(如香港、新加坡)中,虛假資訊的接觸和分享較少出現,負面影響也較低;而在對數字媒體資訊近用性受限的社會中(如北京),虛假資訊的接觸和分享則較為頻繁,並產生較高的負面影響。最後,我們討論了本研究發現對虛假疫情資訊的理論與實踐意義。
Abstract What harms has COVID-19 misinformation circulating on social media inflicted on the general public’s cognition and attitudes? We investigated this concern by linking exposure to popular COVID-19 misinformation with three adverse cognitive and attitudinal outcomes in four culturally similar Asian societies (i.e., mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan) that differ in digital information accessibility. Data collected from an online survey of 4,094 adult respondents in August 2021 demonstrate that exposure to misinformation on popular social media platforms negatively affected respondents’ misbeliefs of and incorrect knowledge of COVID-19 and anti-vaccine attitudes. Moreover, sharing misinformation was found to mediate the relationship of misinformation exposure and cognition and attitudes. When situating these relationships in the four societies, we found that exposure and sharing were less frequent in societies with free access to digital information but more frequent in societies with restricted accessibility. Implications of these findings for containing the infodemic are discussed.


Citation of this article:
Wei, R., Guo, J., Wang, S., & Y.-H. C. Huang (2022). The role of digital information accessibility in shaping the relationships of exposure to COVID-19 misinformation and cognitive and attitudinal effects in Asia. Communication and Society, 62, 207–264.
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