April  2022 60
Navigating the SSCI Publication Maze
作者 周樹華、哈筱盈、鍾布、沈福元
Author Shuhua ZHOU, Louisa HA, Bu ZHONG, Fuyuan SHEN
摘要 在SSCI期刊上發表論文,是對研究者從事富有意義及重要性研究 能力的肯定。SSCI 出版對於知識儲備及教職員的職業生涯至關重要, 出版的數量和質量在一定程度上確立了大學和學者的聲譽。期刊出版 的過程很複雜,在這個複雜的出版迷宮中掌握一定的導航能力有百利 而無一害。本期對談邀請了四位經驗豐富的SSCI主編來分享他們的經 驗。他們來自研究型大學,是編者也是作者。我們的目標是減輕大家對SSCI出版的恐懼,消除圍繞它的神秘感,給大家在主題選擇、概念解 釋和英文撰寫方面提供幫助。
Abstract SSCI publishing is vital to the success of a faculty member, as manifested by the saying “publish or perish.” It is also often the standard by which scientific advancement is measured and such productivity partly establishes a university’s reputation. The process of journal publication is complex, and the ability to navigate this maze is an essential skill in higher education and research. This panel gathers four seasoned editors to guide you through this process.


Citation of this article:
Zhou, S., Ha, L., Zhong, B., & Shen, F. (2022). Navigating the SSCI publication maze. Communication and Society, 60, 1–22.
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