April  2022 60
研究論文Research Articles
Homophily of User-Generated Content in SocialMedia Usage: User Similarity Analysis Based on Sina Weibo
作者 徐翔、周詩凡、靳菁
Author Xiang XU, Shifan ZHOU, Jing JIN
關鍵詞 社交媒體、微博、同質化、標準化、計算傳播學
Keywords social media, Sina Weibo, homophily, standardization, computational communication
摘要 社交媒體使用者在內容的生產和表達中,儘管包含著豐富的內容流動和亞文化、去中心性、多樣化主體,但是也隨著社交媒體使用程度的加深而表現出使用者在內容上的不斷加強的均勻同質化。不同於個體之間或者社群等小尺度範圍上的同質化,這種同質化指的是與該媒介全域內容、全體使用者生產內容的趨同。不是與特定個體的同質化,而是受到大規模乃至全體使用者場的內容引力後的「平均相似度」提升。以新浪微博的7,825個使用者及其內容生產為樣本,本研究從帖子內容同質化、個體同質化、範本同質化這三個層面,考量用戶與微博整體的平均趨同度的提升;通過句向量的餘弦相似度和「類平均法」對同質化程度的測量,分別從用戶在微博的捲入度、活躍度、影響度作為使用程度的主要變數並將其劃分為不同的「使用者層級」,進而考察以下兩者之間的關聯效應。結果顯示,隨著微博使用程度的加深,用戶與整體以及範本的同質化和平均的相似度,都顯著加強。
Abstract Social media contain rich information. Although they have been described as decentralized and diversified subcultures, it has been demonstrated that users continue to strengthen homophily in the process of using social media. Such homophily is not generated by a community of individuals. Instead, it focuses on user-generated content on a large scale by all users. Instead of considering homophily aimed at specific individuals, this study focuses on the promotion of an “average similarity” driven by content gravity in the entire field. The study sample comprised 7,825 users of Sina Weibo and their generated content. The phenomenon was examined on three types of homophily: similarity in content, similarity between individuals, and similarity in imitating top users. By calculating the cosine similarity of the sentence vector and the unweighted pairgroup method with arithmetic (UPGMA), we measured the degree of homogeneity. Three variables involvement, activity, and impact—were obtained to categorize different users. Our results showed a correlation between the above two aspects and demonstrated that the three types of homophily were strengthened significantly by involvement in social media.

徐翔、周詩凡、靳菁(2022)。〈社交媒體使用中使用者內容生產的同質化—基於新浪微博樣本的使用者相似度分析〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第60 期, 頁123–156。

Citation of this article:
Xu, X., Zhou, S., & Jin, J. (2022). Homophily of usergenerated content in social media usage: User similarity analysis based on Sina Weibo. Communication and Society, 60, 123–156.
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