April  2022 60
研究論文Research Articles
From Working-Class Culture to Public Culture: Changing National Memories of the Workers’ Cultural Palace (1949–2015)
作者 路淼
Author Miao LU
關鍵詞 工人文化宮、工人階級、國家、記憶、文化
Keywords Workers’ Cultural Palace, working class, state, memory, culture
摘要 工人文化宮是中國工人階級重要的「記憶場所」。基於對《人民日報》及相關政策文件的話語分析,本研究追溯了國家在不同歷史時期所建構的文化宮記憶,發現:建國初期,在「生產的城市」,它是工人的「學校和樂園」;文革時期,在「革命的城市」,它是宣教機構與革命場所;改革開放初期,在「開放的城市」,它是文化政治與文化市場相遇、碰撞的地方;改革開放深化期,在「消費的城市」,它被收編至「公共文化服務」話語之中。從工人文化到公共文化,從階級政治話語到市民文化權利話語,國家對文化宮記憶的整合、挪用與重構呈現出去階級化、去政治化的趨勢;此種話語策略是國家為應對社會斷裂與矛盾的特定歷史產物,也為理解中國工人階級的轉型與重構提供了國家記憶的視角。
Abstract For the Chinese working class, the Workers’ Cultural Palace (WCP) is an important “site of memory.” Through a discourse analysis of People’s Daily and related policy documents, this study examined the changing national memories of WCP in different historical periods. In the early stage of the new state, the WCP was the “workers’ school and paradise.” It functioned as a venue for propaganda and revolution during the Cultural Revolution. It was where “cultural politics” and “cultural markets” collided in the 1980s and early 1990s, and it was incorporated into the discourse of the “public cultural service system” as China deepened its reform and opening-up. Through the integration, appropriation, and reconstruction of WCP memories, the Chinese state has gradually shifted from the “working-class culture” to the “public culture” and from the class discourse to the citizen discourse. The discursive dyslexia of class and politics provides a unique vantage point to understand the transformations of both the Chinese society and its working class in the past years.


路淼(2022)。〈從「工人文化」到「公共文化」:工人文化宮國家記憶之流變 (1949–2015)〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第60 期,頁157–183。

Citation of this article:

Lu, M. (2022). From working-class culture to public culture: Changing national memories of the Workers’ Cultural Palace (1949– 2015). Communication and Society, 60, 157–183.
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