April  2022 60
研究論文Research Articles
Communication Practice of the Body in Matchmaking Corner: The Absent and the Present
作者 龐雲潔、林升棟、宣長春
Author Yunjie PANG, Shengdong LIN, Changchun XUAN
關鍵詞 社會空間、身體、缺場/在場、傳播實踐、相親角
Keywords social space, the body, absent/present, communication practice, matchmaking corner
摘要 在中國現代化、城市化和市場經濟轉型的背景之下,單身人群越加壯大,以父母為主要參與者的相親角在全國大中城市逐漸增多。相親角不僅是父母為孩子尋求姻緣的物理空間,更是具有豐富文化含義的社會空間。父母們親身在場展開傳播實踐。本研究從社會空間和身體的視角出發,以上海人民公園的相親角為例,具體地分析缺場的身體如何被再現,以及在場的身體作為媒介主體如何與社會空間進行互動。研究發現:缺場身體(子女)的再現主要通過父母們擺放在相親角的廣告形式和內容實現。80後高知子女是相親角的主力軍,女性是男性的近三倍,大多從事跟國企、外企、金融、銀行、軟體相關的工作,近一半家庭有上海戶口。男性和女性在被再現的維度上存在一定差異。在場身體(父母)首先作為媒介,通過其穿著打扮和行為舉止等向他人傳達關於自己家庭和子女性格等資訊。除了在擇偶標準、具體互動對象和資訊披露策略上充當子女相親的把關者,在場身體還具有拓展社會關係、展開社會交往、維持身心健康等需求,從而賦予了相親角社會空間多樣的意義。本研究在理論上回應了傳播學中的空間轉向和身體轉向,同時關照了單身化和老齡化的社會現實。
Abstract In the context of China’s modernization, urbanization, and market economy transformation, its single population has continued to increase. As a result, matchmaking corners with parents as the main participants have become increasingly popular in large- and medium-sized cities in China. The matchmaking corner is not only a physical space where parents try to find a wife or husband for their children but also a social space that comprises rich cultural meaning. Parents are physically present at the matchmaking corner to communicate. From the perspective of social space and body, this study uses the matchmaking corner in Shanghai People’s Park as an example to analyze how the absent body is represented and how the present body interacts with the social space as medium, message, and subject. There were two main findings. First, the absent body (adult children) was represented through the form and content of the advertisements that parents placed at the matchmaking corner. Most children were born in the post-80s era. They were well-educated and worked in state-owned enterprises, foreign enterprises, and companies related to finance, banking, and software; nearly 50% of them had registered permanent residences in Shanghai. There were three times as many females as there were males, and the genders were represented differently. Second, the physically present body (old parents) was a medium that, through their clothing and behavior, conveyed information to others about their family and their children’s personalities. The findings showed that, as a subject, the body was not only the gatekeeper of the children’s dating in determining criteria for their potential wife or husband, with whom to interact and what information to disclose. The body had personal needs, such as developing social contacts and social relations, and maintaining physical and mental health. Communication activities related to these needs enriched the matchmaking corner as a social space with diverse meanings. This study contributes theoretically to the “turn to space” and “turn to the body” in communication research. Its findings also shed light on the social reality of the large single population and the aging trend in China.

龐雲潔、林升棟、宣長春(2022)。〈相親角中的身體傳播實踐:缺場與在場〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第60 期,頁185–219。

Citation of this article:
Pang, Y., Lin, S., & Xuan, C. (2022). Communication practice of the body in matchmaking corner: The absent and the present. Communication and Society, 60, 185–219.
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