January  2022 59
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
Issue Shifting and Attribute Salience: A Study on Agenda Setting among Social Bots, the Public, and the Media
作者 趙蓓、張洪忠
Author Bei ZHAO, Hongzhong ZHANG
關鍵詞 社交機器人、社交媒體、議程設置、時間滯後、公眾輿論
Keywords social bots, agenda setting, social media, time-lag, public opinion
摘要 近年來,社交機器人廣泛參與到社交媒體對話中,成為影響公眾輿論的新興力量。社交機器人通過擴大信息規模,製造信息的虛假流行,是否干預了社交網絡議程形成?本研究以中美貿易爭端為例,從議程設置理論視角出發,探討社交機器人、公眾、媒體在社交網絡中的互動機制。研究發現在第一層議程設置中,社交機器人議程對公眾議程產生正向影響;在第二層議程設置中社交機器人議程與公眾議程之間不是單向的影響模式,而是一個複雜而動態的互動,主要有三種互動機制:一是社交機器人議程影響公眾議程;二是公眾議程影響社交機器人議程;三是社交機器人議程與公眾議程相互影響。此外,媒體在第一層議程設置中表現出較強的議程設置能力,對社交機器人和公眾產生影響,而在第二層實質屬性中,媒體議程設置效果要弱於社交機器人和公眾,在負面情感屬性中媒體也受到了社交機器人的影響。與之前的研究相比,社交機器人第二層議程設置時間滯後明顯縮短。
Abstract In recent years, social bots have participated widely in social media conversations and have become an emerging force in influencing public opinion. By expanding the scale of information and creating the prevalence of false information, have social bots interfered with the trend of the social network agenda? Taking the China-US trade dispute as an example, this study uses the perspective of agenda-setting theory to explore the interactions between social bots, the public, and the media within social networks. First, the study finds that in first-level agenda setting, the social bots’ agenda has a positive impact on the public agenda. However, in second-level agenda setting, the relationship between the social bots and the public is not characterized by a one-way influence; rather, it reveals a complex and dynamic interaction. Specifically, there are three main interactive mechanisms: (1) the social bots’ agenda affects the public agenda; (2) the public agenda affects the social bots’ agenda; (3) the social bots’ agenda and the public agenda influence each other. The media reveals a strong agenda-setting ability in first-level agenda setting, which has an impact on both social bots and the public; however, it shows that the effect of media agenda setting in the second level of substantive attributes is weaker than the effect of social bots and the public. In the negative affective attribute, the media is also affected by social bots. Finally, compared with previous studies, the time lag of social bots in second-level agenda setting is significantly shortened in our study.



Citation of this article: Zhao, B., & Zhang, H. (2022). Issue shifting and attribute salience: A study on agenda setting among social bots, the public, and the media. Communication and Society, 59, 81–118.
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