January  2022 59
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
場域視角下的新聞技術創新 —— 基於中國大陸地區專利數據的結構主題模型分析
News Technology Innovation as a Field: A Structural Topic Modeling Analysis of Patent Data in Mainland China
作者 呂舒寧
Author Shuning LU
關鍵詞 新聞業、新聞創新、中國大陸、計算文本分析、場域理論
Keywords journalism, news innovation, mainland China, computational text analysis, field theory
摘要 新聞創新領域研究的興起得益於傳統新聞業在數字媒體環境下的回應與轉型。本研究從外部視角出發、以場域理論為分析框架、谷歌專利為經驗數據,系統考察了2010–2019年期間中國大陸地區新聞技術創新的規模、行動主體、創新內容和外部影響因素。研究結果顯示,新聞技術創新規模在不斷擴大,東部地區創新規模相對最大。新聞技術創新的行動主體較為多元,信息技術行業佔據該場域主要位置,政

Abstract The responses and transformations of traditional journalism within the digital media environment give rise to the field of news innovation research. From an externalist perspective, this study draws on field theory and Google patent data to systematically examine the status, actors, content, and external factors of news technology innovation in mainland China (2010–2019). The results show that the field of news technology innovation has been expanding, and Eastern China enjoys the largest share. News technology innovation involves multiple and diverse actors, with the information technology industry playing a dominant role and government institutions participating as new entrants. Results from topic modeling reveal six sub-fields of news technology innovation: (1) content management systems, (2) outdoor media, (3) computational journalism, (4) news broadcasting, (5) news recommendation systems, and (6) reporting equipment. Regression analyses based on structural topic modeling show that the distribution of the six sub-fields has evolved constantly during the past ten years. Moreover, the study finds that these industrial clusters have unique advantages in certain sub-fields, and there are more news innovations on emerging technologies (e.g., computational journalism and news recommendation systems) in Eastern China than the other regions, which reflects the distinct capital and habitus for innovation held by these industry clusters and regions. Lastly, the article discusses the theoretical implications and future directions for news innovation research.



Citation of this article: Lu, S. (2022). News technology innovation as a field: A structural topic modeling analysis of patent data in mainland China. Communication and Society, 59, 147–175.
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