October  2021 58
Challenges and Opportunities of Theorizing Health Communication in Asia
作者 泰瑞.湯普森、莫漢.杜塔、張皪元
Author Teri L. THOMPSON, Mohan J. DUTTA, Leanne CHANG
摘要 「沒有理論基礎,我們做任何研究的類推性都會受到極大的限制。從這個角度來看,理論甚至比樣本本身和生態效度更重要。舉例來說,因為存在共同的理論架構,我們才可以將糖尿病的研究結果概化至愛滋病或新型冠狀病毒研究。這種以理論概推的方式使我們得以充分發展健康傳播領域。所以我們應該牢牢記住,理論是我們研究的根本。」

Abstract This dialogue features Dr. Teri Thompson, an outstanding scholar in health communication and Editor-in-Chief of Health Communication, and Dr. Mohan Dutta, a leading health communication scholar with a research focus on the Global South. Dr. Thompson describes the significance and scope of health communication theories and critical ethical issues tied to health communication research. Dr. Dutta shares his views on theorizing health communication in Asia and relevant challenges and opportunities. Dr. Dutta proposes the use of hegemonic communication theories and Asian imaginaries to advance theoretical development in culturally rich and diverse Asia. Both scholars provide advice to young Asian scholars who are interested in pursuing health communication research.

本文引用格式﹕泰瑞.湯普森、莫漢.杜塔、張皪元(2021)。〈健康傳播在亞洲地區理論化的機遇與挑戰〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第58 期,頁1-28。

Citation of this article: Thompson, T. L., Dutta, M. J., & Chang, L. (2021). Challenges and opportunities of theorizing health communication in Asia. Communication and Society, 58, 1–28.

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