July  2021 57
Thirty Years of Media Effects Research
作者 魏然、梁海
Author Ran WEI, Hai LIANG
摘要 「新媒體,包括移動媒體、智能手機等為效果研究提供了新的研究工具。比如,通過做一個APP來收集手機使用的記錄,甚至把用戶後台的滑手機行為用大數據的方法抓出來,這些都是非常值得嘗試的。這些新的研究方法和工具是以前我們做大眾傳媒研究時所不能想像的。我覺得非常前沿,能夠收集到我們以前看不到的用戶數據。但是,我擔心的是,如果做得過於技術導向,研究就會做得比較瑣碎(trivial),不見其意義。比如有些研究關注蘋果手錶(Apple Watch)螢幕大小或者手機背景顏色等變量。雖然技術上來講是有其價值的,但這類研究的意義(So What?)何在,不容易說清楚。因此,如何能夠既讓我們的研究具有社會的意義,又在技術和研究方法上與時俱進,這兩者之間是要有一個平衡。因為如果最終的結果只是一個技術方面的嘗試,而對社會、文化、政治和公共生活的意義非常小,我覺得這種研究即便做得很多,從媒介效果角度來講意義不大。」
Abstract Professor Ran Wei is an influential and productive scholar in the fields of media effects, communication technology and society, and mobile communication. In this dialogue, he was invited to share his research experience on media effects and information communication technology in the past 30 years. Professor Wei characterized himself as a “transitional scholar” who bridges conventional and new media studies. He started with sharing how his journey in the field of media effects expanded to new media studies, including mobile communication and virtual reality. In response to the criticisms of media effects research in the digital era, he suggested that social scientific researches should go beyond personal and interpersonal levels to adopt the institutional approach to investigate the media effects under different social contexts and cultures. Professor Wei also emphasized the value and pitfalls of the emerging computational methods in current media effects studies. In particular, he introduced how to combine traditional and big data methods in his ongoing collaborative project on Covid-19 mis/disinformation. Finally, he offered some suggestions for submitting papers for publications in international journals and for forging academic collaboration.



Citation of this article: Wei, R., & Liang, H. (2021). Thirty years of media effects research. Communication and Society, 57, 1–27.
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