July  2021 57
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
“Do We Still Need to Talk About Gender Equality?” Hong Kong Journalists on Gender Awareness
作者 閭丘露薇
Author Luwei Rose LÜQIU
關鍵詞 記者、女性主義、現象學、新聞學、性別平等
Keywords journalists, feminism, phenomenology, journalism, gender equality
摘要 性別在記者這個行業,處於一種被呈現,同時被否認的悖論。一方面,記者一直被灌輸一種觀點,記者是一個去性別化的職業,另一方面,記者職業發展過程中,處處面對性別因素帶來的影響。這個研究以香港作為一個案例,透過問卷調查和深度訪談的方式,利用前線記者的實際經驗,透過現象學方法和女性主義視角,來解釋新聞行業中的性別觀點和日常職業生涯的區別。研究結果表明,在現象學的典型化和對性別體系採取自然態度的過程中,記者同時體現和否認性別。而對於性別的否認,導致記者對於自身的性別意識不高,從而忽略新聞編輯室中存在的結構性性別不平等問題。
Abstract In the profession of journalism, gender is paradoxically both presented and denied. On one hand, journalists have been indoctrinated with the view that journalism is a de-gendered profession, and on the other hand, they face the effects of gender throughout their career development. Based on the case study of Hong Kong, a survey and in-depth interviews are conducted among frontline journalists who covered the 2019 protests in Hong Kong to explore differences between gender perspectives and daily reporting in journalists based on phenomenological methods and feminist perspectives. The findings suggest that in the process of phenomenological typification and attitudes toward the gendered system, journalists simultaneously embody and deny gender. The denial of gender leads to lower gender awareness among journalists, thus ignoring the structural gender inequality that exists in newsrooms.


閭丘露薇(2021)。〈「我們還需要討論性別平等?」—香港記者性別意識探討〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第57 期,頁29–52。

Citation of this article: Luqiu, L. R. (2021). “Do we still need to talk about gender equality?” Hong Kong journalists on gender awareness. Communication and Society, 57, 29–52.
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