July  2021 57
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
Transcending Limits, Being Yourself? Reading Gender and Sports in Advertisements
作者 蕭蘋
Author Ping SHAW
關鍵詞 性別、運動、廣告解讀、女性閱聽人、後女性主義
Keywords gender, sports, reading ads, female audience, postfeminism
摘要 本研究針對運動用品廣告的文本接收,企圖探討年輕的女性閱聽人如何解讀運動廣告中所呈現的女性身體形象與女性氣質?如何詮釋廣告中所再現的運動與性別的關係?對於廣告中所挪用的女性主義思想又有何看法?而她們對於廣告的解讀又與她們日常生活中的運動實踐有何關係?本研究進行了四場焦點團體訪談,共有31位年輕女性的參與,訪談中她們分享了自己的運動經驗,並且針對三則以女性運動為主要內容的電視廣告,進行解讀。結果發現,這些具有運動習慣的年輕女性閱聽人,幾乎都是具有主動性的閱聽人,她們對於三則廣告文本的解讀,都能發展出自我的意義詮釋。這種具有能動性的詮釋能力,並非憑空而來,而是具有相當的社會性。她們利用日常生活的運動經驗,以及女性主義的媒介批判語彙,作為廣告詮釋的文化工具與論述資源。然而,這些女性閱聽人的解讀,也顯現了一種以自我、個人為中心、忽視結構的影響、甚至反女性主義的後女性主義的主體性形成,這對女性主義的文化政略提出了一個重大的挑戰。
Abstract This study attempts to explore how young female audiences interpret the body images of women and femininities represented in TV advertising of sports goods, what they think about feminist ideas appropriated in the ads, and how their interpretations are related to their sports practices. This study conducted four focus group interviews with 31 participants who interpreted three TV commercials offered by the researcher. Most participants were active in developing their own interpretations of the ads. Their interpretations were socially based on their sports practices and the media critique vocabulary of feminism, which formed their cultural tools and discourse repertoire. Their interpretations also showed the formation of new postfeminist subjectivities, such as individualism, self-interest, unconventionality, and even anti-feminism, thus challenging the cultural politics of feminism.



Citation of this article: Shaw, P. (2021). Transcending limits, being yourself? Reading gender and sports in advertisements. Communication and Society, 57, 95–126.
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