July  2021 57
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
Mom Loves You: Chinese Mother-Fans, Idol Industry, Gender, and Intimatopia
作者 白玫佳黛
Author Meijiadai BAI
關鍵詞 親媽粉、偶像、明星粉絲、親密關係、親密烏托邦
Keywords mother-fans, idol, celebrity fan, intimacy, intimatopia
摘要 親媽粉是把愛豆(職業偶像)看作是自己孩子的粉絲。近年,隨著中國引進日本的偶像養成模式、韓國的《創造101》選秀模式,伴隨粉絲日常活動向微博平台的轉移,粉絲們在原有的身份和文化基礎之上創造出這一新身份。外界對親媽粉的理解簡單化、污名化。本文用深度訪談法,以粉絲為主體,基於其追星經歷和媒介使用經歷,來理解這種認同產生的原因,及這種粉絲屬性對她們自己的意義。研究發現,親媽粉的產生由產業發展促成。媽粉通過創造性地建構集體身份來合理化自己進行批評的權力,最大限度地保有自身的思考和自我。在熱情與理智的交織中,媽粉們在這一深具包容性的身份之下,在幻想和現實的親密關係的交織中,堅持成長了起來。
Abstract Mother-fans fantasize their idols as if they were their children. With importation of Japanese style idol production line, introduction of Korean Produce 101 formula, and relocation of fandom to Weibo platform, Chinese fans created this new collective identity, based on existing fan identities and subcultures. Outsiders of fan community tend to simplify this identity and stigmatize mother-fans' activities. By conducting in-depth interviews, this study treats fans as subjects with celebrity-adoring experiences and mediated fandom history, and seeks to understand the reasons why fans create this identity, and what it means to them. This paper finds that the mother-fan emerged because of the industry. Fans creatively transform this identity to legitimize their rights to critique the industry, thus protect their critical thinking and position as subjects. Under this umbrella identity, mother-fans passionately and rationally develop their consciousness and thrive in their collective intimatopia of reality and fantasy.


白玫佳黛(2021)。〈媽媽愛你:中國親媽粉、偶像產業、性別和親密烏托邦〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第57 期,頁127–158。

Citation of this article: Bai, M. (2021). Mom loves you: Chinese mother-fans, idol industry, gender, and intimatopia. Communication and Society, 57, 127–158.
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