July  2021 57
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
Patriarchy, Networked Misogyny, and Interpreting Feminism in China
作者 甘麗華
Author Lihua GAN
關鍵詞 田園女權、知乎、網絡厭女、中國父權制
Keywords Tianyuan feminism, Zhihu, networked misogyny, Chinese patriarchy
摘要 網絡技術與平台的發展一方面推動了女權主義在中國的傳播,另一方面也助長了仇恨言論和厭女文化。通過對知乎平台4,440條有關田園女權問答文本的分析,本研究發現該網絡討論形成了一種對中國女權主義和女權主義者的二元對立呈現和詮釋,也即「真女權」與「偽女權」。「真女權」被賦予強調個人努力、支持男女平等、既關注女性也關注男性等特質,而作為「偽女權」的田園女權則被認為只要權利不要義務,過度強調物質,走向極端、追求特權,其擁護者缺乏女性魅力、崇洋媚外等。和中國父權制的現實實踐密切相關的彩禮、生育和孩子冠姓等問題成為討論的熱點議題。討論者對中國性別平等現狀的評價與現實相比出現較大差異,不同性別之間的相互評價偏負面。中國傳統父權制處於被解構與再建構的雙重流向之中。值得警惕的是中國女性權益運動的歷史成果面臨被消解的可能。相應的經濟、社會、文化改革才能為性別平等提供制度性保障和結構性改變。
Abstract Information and communication technology have both contributed to the spread of feminism in China and stimulated hate speech and misogyny. Based on qualitative analyses of the texts of all relevant questions and answers on the Chinese Q&A platform Zhihu, the findings of this study showed a binary interpretation and presentation of Chinese feminism and feminists in maledominated online discussions, namely authentic feminism versus fake feminism. Authentic feminism is thought to focus on individual efforts, equality, and both men’s and women’s rights. As a type of fake feminism, Tianyuan feminism is thought to ask for rights without fulfilling gender responsibilities, as well as over-emphasizing material interests and pursuing women’s privileges. Tianyuan feminists are pictured as unfeminine and subservient to foreigners, especially foreign males. Betrothal gifts, childbirth and care, and surnaming the next generation were the most frequent topics among the relevant questions and answers on Zhihu. There is a huge gap between people’s, especially males’ evaluations of gender equality and the real situation in China. The opposite gender is judged negatively, and Chinese patriarchy is confronted by both deconstruction and reconstruction. Further economic, social, and cultural reforms are necessary to provide both institutional support and make structural changes to promote gender equality.


甘麗華(2021)。〈父權制、網絡厭女與女權主義的中國化詮釋〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第57 期,頁159–190。

Citation of this article: Gan, L. (2021). Patriarchy, networked misogyny, and interpreting feminism in China. Communication and Society, 57, 159–190.
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