April  2021 56
研究論文Research Articles
台灣當代服裝反抗行動的性/別論述及意識分析:以Vieso 拒男客試女褲事件為例
A Sex/Gender Ideological Discourse Analysis of Resistance in Contemporary Taiwan: Case Study of a Male Customer’s Request to Try on Wide-Leg Pants, Which Was Declined at Vieso
作者 吳翠松
Author Tsui-Sung WU
關鍵詞 男性研究、性/別消費糾紛、性/別意識形態、服裝反抗行動、性/別平權
Keywords gender/sex equality, dress resistance action, gender/sex ideology, gender-related consumer disputes, men’s studies
摘要 近來各國陸續發生涉及性/別消費糾紛所造成的抗議事件,像2013年美國某蛋糕店以宗教信仰為由,拒絕為同志伴侶製作結婚蛋糕遭提告。這些看似細小的日常衝突事件,卻是重要的性平與人權爭霸場域。當事人爭議的不是蛋糕內容或價格,而是店家有無權利拒絕特定族群消費。



Abstract In recent years, protests in response to gender-related consumer disputes have occurred in several countries. For example, in 2013, the manager of a cake shop in the US was accused of discrimination because he refused to make wedding cakes for a same-sex couple based on his religious beliefs. Although such events seem to be negligible, they are significant in the struggle for gender equality and human rights. Advocates of gender equality and human rights did not fight for the content or price of the cake but whether the manager had the right to refuse to serve particular customers in the cake shop. This study focused on an event that occurred in October 2016 when the woman’s clothing store Vieso refused the request of male customers to try on wide-leg pants. The researcher tried to understand the audience’s opinions about this event and the ideology that underlay them. To obtain the study samples, we extracted the audience’s comments on this event from Apple Daily and PTT. After duplicate and unrelated comments were deleted, 645 valid comments were obtained, and the researcher conducted content and discourse analyses on them. The results revealed that the audience made two main comments on this event. One was “customers should be treated uniformly, no matter of gender, or it is discrimination.” The other was “stores have the right to decide their own management policies.” A further analysis revealed three main ideologies in the media field: discourse on equal rights; discourse on management discourse; and discourse on differences between males and females.



Citation of this article:

Wu, T.-S. (2021). A sex/gender ideological discourse analysis of resistance in contemporary Taiwan: Case study of a male customer’s request to try on wide-leg pants, which was declined at Vieso. Communication and Society, 56, 161–193.
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