January  2021 55
研究論文Research Articles
The Effects of Internet Use on Political Trust: Evidence from the 2010 China General Social Survey
作者 程蕭瀟、金兼斌
Author Xiaoxiao CHENG, Jianbin JIN
關鍵詞 互聯網使用、政府信任、媒介效果、內生性、工具變量
Keywords Internet use, political trust, media effects, endogeneity, instrumental variable
摘要 互聯網已經成為個人政治社會化的重要途徑,互聯網使用對政府信任的影響愈來愈關係到執政黨合法性和公眾支持。本文基於2010年「中國綜合社會調查」數據,採用傾向值匹配和工具變量迴歸儘可能克服潛在的內生性問題,並深入探討公眾互聯網使用對政府信任的影響。研究發現:相對於政府信任來源的兩種主流解釋—制度和文化,互聯網使用對政府信任具有較好的解釋力;此外,相比於工具變量迴歸結果,基於傳統OLS迴歸模型估計的互聯網對政府信任的解構作用被低估了近3倍。該研究啟示我們在估算互聯網的效應時應儘可能地避免內生性問題引發的偏誤。
Abstract The Internet has been considered an essential means of individual political socialization. Moreover, the effects of Internet use on political trust have become increasingly related to public support for the legitimacy of the regime. Based on an analysis of data collected from the 2010 China General Social Survey (CGSS), this study attempts to rule out a potential endogeneity bias by employing the techniques of propensity score matching and instrumental variable regression to estimate the effects of Internet use on political trust. The results showed that compared with institutional and cultural factors, the use of Internet has had sufficient explanatory power in shaping individuals’ political trust. Moreover, the results showed that the use of ordinary least squares (OLS) regression underestimated the effects of the Internet. These findings indicate the importance of removing a potential endogeneity bias in estimating the effects of the Internet.



Citation of this article:

Cheng, X., & Jin, J. (2021). The effects of internet use on political trust: Evidence from the 2010 China General Social Survey. Communication and Society, 55, 57–91.
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