January  2021 55
研究論文Research Articles
Meeting Friends through Books: How SNS-Based Reading Activities Influence Online Social Capital
作者 李武、毛遠逸
Author Wu LI, Yuanyi MAO
關鍵詞 社交網站、數字閱讀、閱讀社交網站、社會資本
Keywords SNS, digital reading, online reading community, social capital
摘要 隨著社交媒介的發展,閱讀社交網站極大彰顯了人類閱讀活動的「社交」屬性。本研究旨在探索閱讀社交網站用戶行為對線上社會資本的影響,並考察自尊對兩者關係的調節作用。通過問卷調查,本研究發現:(1)個人瀏覽行為對線上橋接型社會資本沒有顯著影響,但顯著負向作用於線上黏結型社會資本。(2)個人創造行為對線上橋接型社會資本具有顯著的正向影響,但對線上黏結型社會資本沒有顯著作用。(3)私密互動行為和公開互動行為均顯著正向影響兩種線上社會資本,而且公開互動行為的作用相對更為重要。(4)自尊對閱讀社交網站用戶行為與線上橋接型社會資本不具有調節效應,但能夠顯著調節大多數行為(除個人瀏覽行為之外)與線上黏結型社會資本的關係,並支持「富者越富」假說。研究結果不僅能夠幫助我們洞察用戶在閱讀社交網站中的不同使用行為對線上社會資本的作用及其影響條件,而且可以藉此特定主題類社交網站案例深化我們對互聯網使用和社會資本關係的理解。
Abstract With the development of social media, the social aspect of human reading activities has been emphasized in digital SNS reading. The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of SNS-based reading activities on readers’online social capital, using self-esteem as a moderator. Based on the analysis of survey data, the findings were as follows: (1) browsing behavior had no significant effect on bridging social capital, but it had a significant negative effect on bonding social capital; (2) content creation behavior had a significant positive effect on bridging social capital, but it did not have a significant effect on bonding social capital; (3) public and private interactive behaviors significantly positively predicted the two forms of social capital, and public interactive behavior was relatively more significant in explanation power; (4) self-esteem did not moderate any relationship between the four types of behavior and bridging social capital, but it significantly moderated the relationships between most behaviors (except browsing behavior) and bonding social capital, which supported the “rich-get-richer” hypothesis. The findings of this research deepen our understanding of the effects of users’ SNS-based reading behaviors on social capital. They also contribute to the literature on the effects of Internet use on social capital.



Citation of this article:

Li, W., & Mao, Y. (2021). Meeting friends through books: How SNS-based reading activities influence online social capital. Communication and Society, 55, 163–195.

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