October  2020 54
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
The Mediating Effect of Privacy Worry: An Empirical Analysis of Structural Equation Models Based on the Use of WeChat by College Students
作者 徐敬宏、侯偉鵬
Author Jinghong XU, Weipeng HOU
關鍵詞 自我效能感、風險感知、信任、隱私擔憂、隱私保護
Keywords self-efficacy, trust, risk perception, privacy worry, privacy protection
摘要 本研究通過對中國六所高校大學生微信使用情況的考察,探討微信用戶隱私擔憂的影響因素及其相互關係,揭示微信用戶隱私保護的現狀及其制約因素,檢驗隱私擔憂對隱私保護的仲介作用。研究基於實證調查的數據,建構了自我效能感、風險感知、信任、隱私擔憂及隱私保護的結構方程模型。研究發現,大學生對微信隱私的信任與風險感知呈負相關、與自我效能感呈正相關;風險感知與自我效能感呈負相關。大學生對微信隱私的風險感知、信任水平正向影響其隱私擔憂水準;風險感知、自我效能感及信任水平正向影響其隱私保護水準。此外,本研究還發現,當以風險感知為自變量時,隱私擔憂對隱私保護具有仲介作用。總體而言,微信使用中存在隱私披露風險放大化、用戶隱私擔憂普遍化等特點。
Abstract By investigating the use of WeChat at six universities in China, this study aims to explore influencing factors and the relations between them on WeChat users’ privacy worries, reveal the status quo and the restrictive factors in WeChat users’ privacy protection, and examine the mediating effect of privacy worry on privacy protection. Based on empirical data, this study constructed a structural equation model of self-efficacy, risk perception trust, privacy worry, and privacy protection. The study found that college students’ trust in WeChat privacy was negatively correlated with risk perception and positively correlated with self-efficacy; risk perception and self-efficacy were negatively correlated. The risk perception and trust level of college students’ WeChat privacy positively affected their privacy worry, while risk perception, self-efficacy, and trust level positively affected their privacy protection level. In addition, the study also found that privacy worry had a mediating effect on privacy protection when risk perception was used as an independent variable. In general, WeChat uses the characteristics of privacy disclosure, risk amplification, and user privacy worry.


Citation of this article:
Xu, J., & Hou, W. (2020). The mediating effect of privacy worry: An empirical analysis of structural equation models based on the use of WeChat by college students. Communication & Society, 54, 59–94.
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