October  2020 54
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
Liquid Boundaries: The Situative Practice and Management of the Public and the Private on Social Media
作者 吳璟薇、唐海景
Author Jingwei WU, Haijing TANG
關鍵詞 社交媒體、公與私、界限、隱私、流動性
Keywords social media, public and private, boundary, privacy, liquidity
摘要 隨著傳播技術的不斷革新,社交媒體改變著人們的交流習慣以及社會結構,也使得私人領域和公共領域之間的界限正變得越來越模糊。基於這些現象,本文旨在回答以下問題:(1)在社交媒體中「公」與「私」和之間的界限在哪裡?(2)不同社交媒體平台上公與私的界限存在什麼區別?本文選擇適合社交網絡特性的「社交性框架」來研究私與公之間的區別,並通過對微博和微信用戶進行日記研究和半結構化訪談的方式,結合實踐情境並對比不同社交媒體平台來探討社交媒體用戶如何劃分公與私之間的界限以及影響界限變化的機制。

Abstract With the innovation of communication technology, social media has changed people’s communication habits and social structures; the boundary between “the private” and “the public” has become blurred as well. Based on these phenomena, this article aims to answer the following questions: (1) Where is the boundary between “the private” and “the public” on social media? (2) Is there any difference in the boundaries of different social media platforms? This paper reviews different notions of “the private” and “the public” using different social approaches and procedures and selects the framework of sociability to investigate the distinction between private and public. Through diaries and interviews with users of Chinese Microblog (Weibo) and WeChat, we combined practical situations and compared different social media platforms to explore how social media users define the boundaries between public and private and explored the mechanism of boundary change.


Citation of this article:
Wu, J., & Tang, H. (2020). Liquid boundaries: The situative practice and management of the public and the private on social media. Communication & Society, 54, 95–125.
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