October  2020 54
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
Liquid Surveillance and Smartphone Affordance: Watching and Being Watched in Mobile Social Networks
作者 王紹蓉
Author Shaojung Sharon WANG
關鍵詞 可供性、臉書、隱私、監視、智慧型手機
Keywords affordance, Facebook, privacy, surveillance, smartphone
摘要 行動通訊技術與載具的發展,讓訊息自由流通,跨越地理時空藩籬。臉書讓使用者得以發展和維繫社交關係,也提供使用者經由智慧型手機隨時隨地觀察他人的機會。本研究著眼於行動上網之「臉書世代」,透過智慧型手機在臉書上揭露的使用者所在地、上/離線狀態,以及多久時間前使用過臉書功能等各類個人資訊,藉以理解手機如何賦予臉書使用者檢視自我並觀看他人的可能性。本研究採用經驗取樣法與深度訪談法,研究結果發現,智慧型手機賦予使用者更輕易追蹤臉書朋友的行為脈絡,以及描繪對方日常生活軌跡的可供性,使用者亦能體認自我同受他人監控的處境,且能透過觀察他人以調整自我手機使用模式,以及自己在臉書上的狀態顯示。然因手機促使社交跨越時空限制,帶來訊息流動的不受限,受訪者對於被誰觀看、檢視的顧慮也不一致,本研究試圖勾勒出在看與被看、隱私與揭露的矛盾中衝撞的現代生活,進一步理解現代社會無既定模式的監視形態,以期闡明並再現「液態監視」之理論意涵。
Abstract The development of mobile and ubiquitous communication and devices implies a merging of the global spaces of flows and the local places of everyday life. While Facebook allows for the development and maintenance of social relationships, users accessing Facebook from smartphones are also able to spy on others easily and instantly. The traceability of human behaviors, trajectories, and personal data has become the central component of surveillance systems as the affordance of a smartphone not only gives users the freedom of spatial mobility but intertwines space with time in modern society. The goal of this study is, therefore, to investigate, using mobile experience sampling and semi-structured interviews, the perception of privacy and surveillance of Facebook users who access the site via their smartphones to observe the location, online/offline status, and usage of other users. Drawing upon the notion of liquid surveillance, this study also brings new perspectives to the perception and conceptual definition of the liquid world, where spaces are not fixed and time is not bound.



Citation of this article:

Wang, S. S. (2020). Liquid surveillance and smartphone affordance: Watching and being watched in mobile social networks. Communication & Society, 54, 127–159.
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