October  2020 54
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
How Did “Private” Discourses Become Public Issues?—Empathy, Reframing, and the Expression of “Subaltern Groups”
作者 袁光鋒
Author Guangfeng YUAN
關鍵詞 文學公共領域、文化公共領域、底層群體、公共空間、社交媒體
Keywords literary public sphere, cultural public sphere, subaltern group, public space, social media
摘要 社交媒體改變了公/私之邊界,影響了公共生活和公共話語。曾經被排斥的「底層」群體在社交媒體時代能夠通過自我的表達而進入公共空間。他們的表達有著自己的風格,不同於哈貝馬斯設想的理性話語,他們更傾向於用文學、詩歌和文化產品的方式。文章以「文化公共領域」為理論框架,以「許立志」和「范雨素」為研究案例,探討了圍繞底層群體的文化公共領域是如何構成的。研究發現,「文化公共領域」塑造了底層群體的自我理解和公眾對這一群體的理解,共情機制和再構機制在其中扮演著重要的角色,但共情機制和再構機制又可能轉變成排斥底層話語進入公共空間的力量。圍繞「底層」形成的文化公共領域,在形態上是割據的和碎片化的,這根源於社會結構的割裂。
Abstract Social media has changed the traditional boundary between public and private and affected people’s public life and discourse. In the era of social media, once marginalized subaltern groups can enter the public space and participate in shaping it through their own expression. They tend to express themselves through literature, poetry, and cultural products, different from the rational discourse conceived by Habermas. Based on the theoretical framework of the “cultural public sphere” and the case studies of “Xu Lizhi” and “Fan Yusu,” this study discusses how the expression of subaltern groups constructs the cultural public sphere. I argue that “the cultural public sphere” has shaped the self-understanding of subaltern groups and the public’s understanding of these groups. The mechanisms of empathizing and reframing play an essential role in the formation of the cultural public sphere; at the same time, they may become a repulsive force that serves to prevent subaltern discourse from entering the public sphere. The cultural public sphere related to subaltern groups is fragmented, which is rooted in the fragmentation of the social structure.


Citation of this article:
Yuan, G. (2020). How did “private” discourses become public issues?—Empathy, reframing, and the expression of “subaltern groups.” Communication & Society, 54, 193–221.
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