October  2020 54
ICA年度雙語論文ICA Annual Bilingual Paper
The Supra-Gatekeepers: Gatekeeping in the Age of Social Media
作者 帕梅拉.休梅克、韓綱
Author Pamela J. SHOEMAKER, Gang (Kevin) HAN
關鍵詞 超級把關人、把關人理論、系統思維、社交媒體、新聞
Keywords supra-gatekeeper, gatekeeping theory, systems thinking, social media, news
摘要 當前主要有三種類別的把關人:傳統觀念裡主要從媒體組織到受眾的單向傳播中通過選擇、塑造和發布新聞內容的大眾媒體把關人;於社交媒體集團服務器上創建和發布內容的個人與組織類社交媒體把關人(用戶)。社交媒體集團不僅擁有和管理著社交媒體用戶發布的內容,同時還提供他們自己的新聞服務。因此,本文認為,從社交媒體用戶及大眾媒體中選取與發布內容的社交媒體集團亦是把關人。這三類把關人之間的大量互動形成複雜的把關系統,需要進行系統/整體性的理論分析。
Abstract There are now three major groups of gatekeepers. Mass media gatekeepers are those traditionally thought of as selecting, shaping and publishing news content, with primarily unidirectional communication from the media organization to an audience. Social media gatekeepers (users) are the individuals and organizations that create and publish the content housed on social media conglomerates’ servers. These conglomerates not only own and manage the content of social media users, but also publish their own news services. This essay proposes that these conglomerates are gatekeepers because select and publish content from social media users and from the mass media. The many interactions among agents of these three groups create a complex gatekeeping system that should be theoretically analyzed through a systematic or holistic approach.


Citation of this article:
Shoemaker, P. J., & Han, G. (2020). The supragatekeepers: Gatekeeping in the age of social media. Communication & Society, 54, 223–256.
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