July  2020 53
Revisiting the Situational Crisis Communication Theory
作者 蒂莫西.庫姆斯、黃懿慧
Author W. Timothy COOMBS, Yi-Hui Christine HUANG
摘要 「在危機溝通與管理的範疇中,我看到了兩個充滿潛力的新領域。其一是行為經濟學,因為它有助於解釋為什麼管理者經常不遵循危機傳播研究提供的建議。當組織不遵循研究人員提供的『處方』時,我們不應該感到驚訝,那是因為有多種因素會阻礙建議被採用;注重避免損失的行為經濟學是一個奇妙的解釋工具。其次則是公共衛生危機研究,此領域結合健康傳播和風險溝通,產製了許多豐富的知識。」
Abstract W. Timothy Coombs is an outstanding communication scholar with a particular focus on crisis communication. His work was instrumental in developing Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT), which is one of the most widely accepted theories in the field of crisis communication. In this interview, Professor Coombs first shares how he applied attribution theory and the concept of perceived responsibility in crisis communication studies. He then argues that the social media era calls for a variety of media forms and content. He stresses the importance of ethical base response for crisis communication in different cultural contexts. He also explicates the research on paracrisis and stresses the importance of cross-disciplinary crisis communication research with other fields (e.g. management theory, behavioral economics, health communication, risk communication). Finally, Professor Coombs points out that there is still much for researchers to contribute to crisis communication studies. He encourages further exploration of crisis response strategy’s operationalization. According to Coombs, researchers should not focus merely on theory but should keep track of the crisis communications profession as well.



Citation of this article:

Coombs, W. T., & Huang, Y.-H. C. (2020). Revisiting the situational crisis communication theory. Communication & Society, 53, 1–19.
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