July  2020 53
研究論文Research Articles
Adding Flavor to Love: Decoding Domestic Femininities Constructed in Cooking-Related TV Ads
作者 蕭蘋
Author Ping SHAW
關鍵詞 烹飪、食品、電視廣告、家庭性女性氣質、論述分析
Keywords cooking, food, TV advertisements, domestic femininities, discourse analysis
摘要 本文針對台灣在2000年後播出以烹飪為內容主題的電視廣告,進行論述分析,探討在後女性主義的媒體文化時代,廣告的內容再現是否蘊含了新的家庭論述?以及廣告使用何種策略來說服女性?結果發現,在廣告的文本再現中,做飯是與做性別、做家庭的意義連結在一起,廣告中所蘊含的主流家庭論述,仍然是相當的保守、沒有變動,固守煮飯是女人責任的界線,如此根深蒂固、公私領域界線分明的社會性論述,偏重強調中產階級家庭的情感特性,卻忽略其中偏差的性別分工。
Abstract This paper utilizes discourse analysis to examine what kind of domestic discourses are embedded in the content of the cooking-related TV advertisements broadcasted in the postfeminist media culture from the year of 2000 to the present and what kind of strategies the advertisers employ to persuade female consumers. The study finds that the meanings of doing cooking, doing gender and family are interrelated. The dominant domestic discourse is still quite conservative, not only maintaining the boundary between the public sphere and the private sphere and a gender-based division of labor but also emphasizing the emotional character of middle-class families.



Citation of this article:

Shaw, P. (2020). Adding flavor to love: Decoding domestic femininities constructed in cooking-related TV ads. Communication & Society, 53, 21–55.

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