July  2020 53
研究論文Research Articles
Multi-Media Embedding and Urban Space Practice as Ritual—A Field Study Based on Donghu Greenway in Wuhan
作者 陳剛、王繼周
Author Gang CHEN, Jizhou WANG
關鍵詞 媒介、儀式、東湖綠道、都市空間、田野調查
Keywords media, ritual, Donghu greenway, urban space, fieldwork
摘要 20世紀中葉以來,全球範圍掀起了一場聲勢浩大的「綠道運動」。本項研究以武漢市東湖綠道為研究對象,首先探討了不同形態的傳播媒介如何參與東湖綠道這一都市空間建構;其次,展示了漫遊者在其中的典型都市空間實踐;最後,闡述了這些都市空間實踐的意義。研究發現,在東湖綠道內,藉由諸如廣播、「天眼」等七種傳播媒介而展開的信息傳播與擴散消解了空間環境的不確定性,成為秩序感和安全感的重要來源。同時,東湖綠道的多元媒介基礎設施在視覺、聽覺等多個維度成為結構「儀式語境」的關鍵元素。在此情境下,漫遊者三五成群自發地在全景廣場搭建帳篷,席地而坐,耳邊環繞著東湖綠道廣播裡舒緩的音樂,或享用美食,或凝望眼底的湖光山色,或與同伴閑談……這與彌撒儀式有頗多暗合之處。景觀凝視、騎行、乘快艇等都市空間實踐的日常性、規則性、象徵性使之成為一種抵抗現代庸常生活的儀式。然而,在公共生活領域並不是所有人都能夠製造儀式,東湖綠道營建過程與漫遊者空間實踐標識了其作為權力產物的社會事實。由此,東湖綠道成為社會控制和社會治理的有力途徑。
Abstract Since the middle of the 20th century, there has been a huge greenway movement in the world. First, this paper discusses how different forms of media participate in the urban space construction of Donghu greenway. Secondly, it shows the typical urban space practice of the rover. Finally, it expounds on the significance of these urban space practices.

It is found that in the Donghu greenway, the dissemination and diffusion of information carried out by seven kinds of media, such as broadcasting and “Tian Eye,” dispels the uncertainty of the space environment and becomes an important source of a sense of order and security. At the same time, the multimedia infrastructure of Donghu greenway has become a key element of a structural “ritual context” in many dimensions, such as vision and hearing. In this context, the Rover three spontaneously set up tents in the panoramic square and sit on, surrounded by soothing music from broadcasts, enjoying food, gazing at the eyes of the mountains and lakes, or chatting with companions. This connotes a lot for the mass ceremony. Landscape gazing, riding, speedboating and other urban space practices of the daily, regular, symbolic so that it becomes a kind of resistance to modern rituals of ordinary life. However, in public life, not everyone can create rituals. The Donghu greenway construction process and Rover space practices identify social facts as a product of power; thus, Donghu greenway has become a powerful way of social control and governance.



Citation of this article:

Chen, G., & Wang, J. (2020). Multi-media embedding and urban space practice as ritual—A field study based on Donghu greenway in Wuhan. Communication & Society, 53, 57–89.
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