July  2020 53
研究論文Research Articles
The Impact of Social Presence on the Interpersonal Communication of Rural Residents in China—A Perspective of Social Psychology
作者 金恒江、李拓、余來輝
Author Hengjiang JIN, Tuo LI, Laihui YU
關鍵詞 鄉村、社會臨場感、社會心理、網路人際交往、情緒回應
Keywords rural, social presence, social psychology, network of interpersonal communication, emotion appeal
摘要 本文以社會臨場感理論為理論基礎,通過問卷調查收集資料探討作為社會心理學因素的社會臨場感對中國鄉村網路人際交往的影響。通過實證分析,結果顯示:社會臨場感越高的鄉村居民,他們的網路人際交往品質(網路人際參與和感知交流效率)和網路人際交往強度(熟關係互動強度和陌生關係互動強度)就越強。此外,社會臨場感對鄉村居民網路人際交往品質(網路人際參與和感知交流效率)和網路人際交往強度(熟關係互動強度和陌生關係互動強度)的影響能夠通過情緒回應的仲介效應發揮積極影響。這一研究結果表明,媒介使用的心理感知因素對用戶的交往行為起著重要的影響作用,同時也能夠引發討論。我們認為新媒體使用的社會心理學視角,應該成為一種重要的人際交往解釋路徑。
Abstract This paper uses the social presence theory to explain network of interpersonal communication in rural China. Based on data from a survey, results indicate that rural residents with a stronger sense of social presence have a higher network of interpersonal communication quality (network of interpersonal participation and perceived communication efficiency) and a network of interpersonal contact intensity (interaction intensity with acquaintances and strangers). In addition, the influence of such quality and intensity plays a positive role via the mediating effect of emotional response. It suggests that perception factors significantly affect users’ interaction behaviors. It also suggests that social psychological perspectives should receive more research attention in the literature.



Citation of this article:

Jin, H., Li, T., & Yu, L. (2020). The impact of social presence on the interpersonal communication of rural residents in China—A perspective of social psychology. Communication & Society, 53, 125–162.
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