April  2020 52
研究論文Research Articles
“Others” and Social Memory in Regional Prejudice: A Study of the Image of“North-Easterners”in the We-Media Context
作者 孫宇婷、梁朝雲
Author Yuting SUN, Chaoyun LIANG
關鍵詞 他者、自媒體、東北人形象、社會記憶、偏見
Keywords others, WeMedia, image of “North-Easterners,” social memory, prejudice
摘要 有鑑於網路上越發嚴重的族群歧視現象,本研究透過巨量資料之文本挖掘並結合內容分析法,針對代表中國東北地區的微信發文主體(我群)和非東北地區發文主體(他者),針對「東北人」的相關公眾文章進行話語分析。從「我群」與「他者」的話語和內容差異、框架詮釋,及符號化形象等角度,探索自媒體語境下地域偏見的形成過程。本研究發現,東北地方文化塑造出在地群體的話語體系、性格特質和日常行為。東北方言所建構出的「搞笑」特質形塑著東北人泛娛樂化的日常行為,在吸引他者注意力的同時,也強化著他者對東北人的框架認知,為負面事件中他者偏見埋下了伏筆。當看到東北經濟逐漸沒落而急需尋求解釋時,他者將我群頻頻建構出的娛樂性話語,與若干負面事件中的東北人形象相互關聯,與傳統「東北人」的正面形象形成鮮明反差,進而構成了他者對當下東北人的地域偏見。
Abstract Given online regional discrimination against residents of North-Eastern China, this study examines public WeChat articles on “North-Easterners” in a textual analysis context. It combines computer-assisted methods and a qualitative content analysis to explore the process of North-easterners being constructed in two news-source discourses, namely “in-group” (North-Eastern public accounts) and “others” (non-North-Eastern public accounts). This study employs the theory of “the other” to examine how prejudice by others is constructed on the basis of regional differences in a WeMedia context. This study found that North-Eastern culture shapes in-group discourse systems, personality traits, and everyday behaviors, thereby not only constructing the everyday discourse in North-Eastern WeMedia through regional dialect and culture, but also reinforcing the self-ridiculing stereotypes of others. Although North-Eastern culture continually evokes the in-group’s identity, it also strengthens and mobilizes others’ social memory based on the characteristics of the in-group. When seeking explanations for depression among North-Eastern individuals, others associate a self-denigrating stereotype with North-Easterners, presented in terms of negative occurrences that form a sharp contrast with traditionally positive figures from the past. In such a context, others’ regional prejudice against the in-group is constructed.



Citation of this article:

Sun, Y., & Liang, C. (2020). “Others” and social memory in regional prejudice: A study of the image of “North-Easterners” in the We-Media context. Communication & Society, 52, 27–55.
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