January  2020 51
媒介傳播學的理論化:理論建構與發展—— 對話帕梅拉.休梅克
Theorization, Theoretical Building and Development—Dialogue with Pamela J. Shoemaker
作者 帕梅拉.休梅克、黃煜、韓綱
Author Pamela J. SHOEMAKER, Yu HUANG, Gang HAN
摘要 「一個新理論的創建,需要對其所採用的理論及操作框架進行嚴密建構、對系列基於理論與操作關聯基礎上的推想與假設予以命題推理,以及對測試假設的方法進行嚴格論述。休梅克教授的例子論述了如何從生物學及文化進化理論中衍生出『硬線新聞』1 理論的過程。該理論闡釋了為何許多新聞都關乎數據、規範及社會改變方面的『異常』,以及全球新聞概莫能外的原因。『異常』,構成世上大多數新聞;國家間的差異也在很大程度上取決於不同文化對『異常』的不同定義。」
Abstract Creating a new theory requires a disciplined outline of the constructs used (with theoretical and operational definitions), a list of theoretical statements (assumptions and hypotheses, each with theoretical and operational linkages) and methods that can test the hypotheses. Shoemaker’s example discusses building a theory of “hard-wired news,” which is derived from theories of biological and cultural evolution. The theory explains why much of the news is about statistical, normative and social change deviance, and why this is true around the world. Deviance makes up much of the world’s news, and differences between countries largely rely on how deviance is defined culturally.



Citation of this article:

Shoemaker, P. J., Huang, Y., & Han, G. (2020). Theorization, theoretical building and development—Dialogue with Pamela J. Shoemaker. Communication & Society, 51, 1–30.
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