October  2019 50
Dialogue on Marxism Journalism
作者 陳力丹、黃煜、廖雪婷
Author Lidan CHEN, Yu HUANG, Sara LIAO
摘要 「馬克思、恩格斯有這樣一個基本思想:『統治階級的思想在每一時代都是佔統治地位的思想。』一個國家的報刊、輿論組織會受到統治階級思想較大影響,但它們傳播的思想不能簡單的認為就是或只能是統治階級的思想,兩者不完全是一回事。他們對這個論斷進行了一系列的具體論證。如果我們忘記了或不知道這些論證,用這個宏觀的論斷簡單地套用,說明各種具體的歷史與現實,就可能得出荒謬的結論。」
Abstract Professor Chen Lidan shared his insights on controversies about Marxist thoughts on press, news and communication. He also explained how later Lenin and Stalin interpreted the roles of press in contrast to Marx’s thoughts.

Chen clarified some of the debatable views on Marx’s ideas on press. It is Chen’s belief that Karl Marx had never denied his thoughts on press and there is no dichotomy between “young Marx” and “mature Marx.” Marx’s thoughts on press was a slowly-developing process; rather than denying “young Marx,” “mature Marx” enriched it.

Marx, as Chen suggested, in a certain sense, considered newspapers and periodicals as carriers of pubic opinions and providers of information in a commercial society, but at the same time, Marx assumed that such media could not enjoy complete independence and would be affected by a variety of interests including political parties and commercial interests. Chen asserted that Marx didn’t think press was a definite subordinate to the party, neither was the party press.

Chen frankly pointed out that the development of research on Marxist media thoughts has been slow in mainland China. The academic research has been politicized, and the direction of the research must be consistent with the central government. He reminded the researchers of the new generation on Marxist thoughts on press, news and communication that they must conduct research on the basis of historical facts and first-hand materials.



Citation of this article:

Chen, L., Huang, Y., & Liao, S. (2019). Dialogue on Marxism journalism. Communication & Society, 50, 1–26.
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