October  2019 50
ICA年度雙語論文ICA Annual Bilingual Paper
The Market Structure of the Internationalization of Communication Research: From Monopoly to Competitive Oligopoly
作者 祝建華
Author Jonathan Jian-Hua ZHU
關鍵詞 傳播學國際化、傳播學美國化、傳播學西方化、競爭性多頭壟斷、跨國合作論文
Keywords internationalization of communication research, Americanization of communication research, Westernization of communication research, competitive oligopoly, international coauthorship
摘要 「傳播學國際化」指學術論文在國際間的生產、流通及消費。在本研究中,我們聚焦於上述過程中的流通環節(基於1980到2019年間的SSCI傳播學期刊論文),同時也會部分涉及生產環節(如合作研究)。國際化是傳播學研究中日益引入關注的問題,但歷來被視為一個地緣政治或社會階級問題。我們另闢蹊徑,將傳播學研究國際化界定為一個思想商品的市場問題(其間各國為物質利益而非理念影響而競爭)。為了驗證這一觀點,我們首先考察該市場是一國壟斷還是多國壟斷,並進一步分析市場主導國之間的關係以合作還是競爭為主。我們的分析結果顯示傳播學國際化市場的規模在最近40年間不斷擴展,使得愈來愈多的國家可以參與其間。美國仍然是最大的生產國,但它的獨霸地位不斷衰退,說明「美國化」現象已經消逝。同時,英聯邦、北歐和東亞等三個地區性社團逐漸崛起與美國分享市場,從而催生了多國壟斷結構。然而,美國與歐洲國家分屬不同社區,相互之間並具明顯的競爭,因此挑戰了「西方化」的真實性。我們認為競爭性多頭壟斷結構將會在今後相當一段時間內繼續主導國際化傳播學市場。
Abstract “Internationalization of communication research” refers to the production, distribution, and consumption of scholarly works across national/regional borders. We focus in the current study on the distribution phase while covering some part of the production phase (e.g., coauthorship), based on publications in SSCICommunication journals from 1980 to 2019. Internationalization has become an increasingly popular topic in communication research but been largely conceived as a geopolitical or social class issue. We depart from the tradition by considering internationalized communication publications as a marketplace of ideas, in which nations compete for materialistic gains rather than ideological influence. To test the argument, we first examine whether the market is dominated by a single nation (i.e., monopolistic structure) or by a group of nations (oligopolistic structure) and further assess whether the market leaders collaborate (to form a cooperative oligopoly) or compete (a competitive oligopoly).

The results show that the market of internationalized communication research has continuously expanded over the last four decades, which has enabled a growing number of nations to participate in the market. The U.S. has remained the most productive nation, but its dominance has steadily declined, suggesting the fall of Americanization. Meanwhile, three clusters of nations, including those from the Commonwealth, North Europe, and East Asia, respectively, have emerged to share the market with the U.S., giving rise to a multinational oligopoly. However, there is a visible division and competition between the U.S. and European nations, which challenges the validity of Westernization. We conclude that the internationalized communication research is likely to remain as a competitive oligopoly for some time to come.



Citation of this article:

Zhu, J. J.-H. (2019). The market structure of the internationalization of communication research: From monopoly to competitive oligopoly. Communication & Society, 50, 187–246.
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