April  2019 48
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
The State, Technological Transformation, and the Fragmentation of Chinese Journalists
作者 王薇
Author Wei WANG
關鍵詞 職業生態、管轄權、職業群落化、技術變革、國家分化管理
Keywords journalistic ecology, jurisdiction, segment, technological transformation, partition management from the state
摘要 本文借助「管轄權衝突」(jurisdictional conflicts)理論和「生態學」視角,基於69個記者深度訪談以及相關記者自述、國家政策文本等資料,探討中國不同記者群體在技術衝擊下的「分化」生態、不同記者群體與國家的互動,以及分化背後的「國家邏輯」。中國記者群體並不是同質的,其內部被技術、政治等邏輯分割成不同的「分群」(segments)。國家對技術更迭中湧現的記者「新興群體」(emerging groups)採取「分塊管理」的策略,循此線索,本文主要圍繞傳統媒體從業者、網絡門戶新聞從業者,以及伴隨移動端技術成熟興起的新聞創業者這三大「分群」進行討論。技術固然造成了記者群體的天然分割,但三大部落間的合作和遷徙也使得「專業主義」跨平台流通,時隱時現。然而「國家」通過從業資質、媒體歸屬與經濟控制三大途徑,對不同的記者群體採取不同的管理方式,塑造了不同分群的管轄權爭奪策略,進一步加深了記者職業的群落分化。這些是造成中國記者群體分化的「國家邏輯」。
Abstract This study discusses the fragmented ecology of Chinese journalists in the technology transformation, the role of the state plays in it, and the interaction among the state and different segments of journalists. The findings come from 69 in-depth interviews with journalists, journalists’ self-reports, and relevant state policy materials, drawing on Abbott’s jurisdictional conflicts theory and ecological perspective. Chinese journalists are not homogeneous. It is a profession including different “segments” divided by technological and political logics. The state employs partition management toward different “emerging groups” of journalists appeared in the technological transformation. This study focuses on three major segments: journalists in traditional media, journalists in internet giants, and their counterparts in news startups brought by the development of mobile communication technologies. No doubt technology made nature cracks among journalists, but collaboration and migration among three tribes may bring professionalism to different technological platforms. However, the partition management from the state, via three channels: licensure, media affiliation, and economic support, has shaped different strategies taking by different journalist segments in jurisdictional conflicts, further deepening the gaps across different segments. The influence of the state becomes the logic behind Chinese journalists’ fragmentation in the technological transformation process.



Citation of this article:

Wang, W. (2019). The state, technological transformation and the fragmentation of Chinese journalists. Communication & Society, 48, 23–55.
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