April  2019 48
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
中國黨媒借助社交媒體的政黨認同話語建構—— 以《人民日報海外版》微信公眾號「俠客島」為例
The Discursive Construction of Party Identification of Chinese Party-Owned Media by Means of Social Media—Setting “xiake_island” as an Example
作者 胡詩然、張志安
Author Shiran HU, Zhi’an ZHANG
關鍵詞 社交媒體、黨媒、政黨認同、批判性話語研究、俠客島
Keywords social media, party-owned media, party identification, critical discourse analysis, “xiake_island”
摘要 本文對「俠客島」2017年上半年發布的文章進行取樣,以費爾克拉夫文本導向的話語分析理論和框架為指導,用文本分析的方法對樣本進行批判性分析,以研究中國黨媒如何借助社交媒體、利用話語策略建構和引導公眾的政黨認同,並將其與傳統黨媒的話語策略進行比較。研究發現:黨媒在社交媒體應用之前和之後有一些相似的話語策略,如利用框架、用詞、建構「內部群體」和「外部群體」、「以小見大」等手段來建構公眾對黨和國家的認同。同時,社交媒體應用之後,也出現了一些新的話語策略,如對官方話語選擇性摘錄和有重點的解讀,將制度建設置於「歷史–現在–將來」的多元語境中比較分析,利用論證策略和話語再現策略,語境重構、詞組、搭配和符號等方式。總之,社交媒體時代黨媒主要還是從黨的立場、順應黨的意志、結合中共治理國家的現實需要,用更巧妙、多樣、隱蔽的話語策略建構公眾的政黨認同。
Abstract In order to explore how “xiake_island,” one of the WeChat official accounts of People’s Daily, discursively constructs people’s party identification, critical text analysis is conducted to study its 14 articles published in the first half year of 2017, under the guidance of the theoretical framework of Fairclough’s text-oriented discourse analysis. By comparing its discursive strategies and skills with the ones used by the traditional Chinese party-owned media, we find that there are several similarities between them: such as framing, wording, and the construction and evaluation of “out-group” and “ingroup.” “Xiake_island” also has some new and particular discursive strategies, such as comparative analysis in historical-current-future context, argumentation, recontextualization, discourse representation, lexical groupings, collocation and semiotic. All in all, in the social-media era, to conform to the will of the Party and to satisfy the actual needs of the CCP to govern China, Chinese party-owned media utilizes cleverer, subtler and more diverse discursive strategies to construct the party identification of the public from the standpoint of the Party.



Citation of this article:

Hu, S., & Zhang Z. (2019). The discursive construction of party identification of Chinese party-owned media by means of social media—Setting “xiake_island” as an example. Communication & Society, 48, 57–91.
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