April  2019 48
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
Online UGC, Public Power Conflicting Issues and Media Publicity: A Study of the Routinely Use of Online UGC in China’s Market-Driven Newspaper
作者 張偉偉
Author Weiwei ZHANG
關鍵詞 用戶生成內容、傳媒公共性、市場化報紙、報網互動欄目
Keywords user-generated content (UGC), media publicity, market-driven newspaper, press-internet interaction section
摘要 從2006年開始,中國大陸市場化報紙紛紛開設「報網互動欄目」來常規化吸納網絡用戶生成內容,但隨著2010年微博元年興起,這些「報網互動欄目」紛紛走向衰退,面臨版面被壓縮、停版乃至撤銷的命運。本文試圖對這一現象作出描述、分析和解釋。本研究通過內容分析的方法,對曾經作為中國大陸「報網互動欄目」典範的《南方都市報》「網眼」欄目進行了考察。研究發現,中國大陸市場化報紙「報網互動欄目」重視吸納與公共利益相關,尤其是與公權力衝突相關的用戶生成內容,一定程度地促進了自身的公共性。但是,中國大陸市場化媒體常規化吸納用戶生成內容對自身內容公共性的提升相當有限,並未幫助其突破在輿論監督報道方面的制度困境。「報網互動欄目」在市場化報紙中曇花一現的命運顯示,儘管互聯網科技為中國大陸市場化媒體提供了提升自身公共性的可能性,但這種可能性在既定的權力結構中被消解。
Abstract In recent years, market-driven newspapers in mainland China have increasingly established the “Press-Internet Interaction Section” (Baowang hudong lanmu) to regularly incorporate user-generated content. This study tries to describe and analyze this phenomenon. The study examines the news content of one exemplary section, “Net-Eye” of Southern Metropolitan. Through content analysis, the study finds that the news content of “Press-Internet Interaction Section” only shows limited publicness as other Chinese media. The results indicate that the possibility provided by the Internet to increase the publicness of mainland China’s newspaper has been minimal within established power structures.



Citation of this article:

Zhang, W. (2019). Online UGC, public power conflicting issues and media publicity: A study of the routinely use of online UGC in China’s market-driven newspaper. Communication & Society, 48, 131–162.
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