January  2019 47
傳播論壇Communication Forum
擴增實境遊戲Pokemon GO的流動性:遊戲機制、文化與變遷
The Mobility of the Augmented Reality Game Pokémon GO: Mechanisms, Culture, and Changes
作者 黃厚銘
Author Hou-ming HUANG
關鍵詞 虛擬實境線上遊戲、流動的群聚、遊戲性、寶可夢、入口
Keywords virtual reality online game, mobility, playfulness, Pokemon GO, Ingress
摘要 基於作者從Pokemon GO的前身Ingress 到Pokemon GO的長期參與觀察,本文作者以Pokemon GO「原住民」的身份,應用流動性概念從三方面來理解Pokemon GO此一擴增實境遊戲的特色。先是比較擴增實境遊戲與過去的虛擬實境線上遊戲的差異,以便以虛擬和現實的結合與流動,來凸顯Ingress 與Pokemon GO等擴增實境遊戲的特色。之後再進一步針對現有兩個主要的擴增實境遊戲Ingress與Pokemon GO進行比較,以便更具體呈現Pokemon GO的狂歡式情緒共感的特色。最後,針對Pokemon GO在遊戲機制與遊戲設計的變化更深入了解其背後的思考,以及遊戲公司如何不斷改變其設計來留住玩家,並探索其營利模式。
Abstract Based on the author’s long-term research on the augmented reality games Ingress and Pokemon GO, this study utilizes the concept of mobility to focus on the latter according to the following three dimensions. First, virtual reality online games and augmented reality games are compared to show the combination of and the movement between the virtual and the real in the latter. Second, Ingress and Pokemon GO are compared to demonstrate the culture of mob-ility that has emerged in the latter. Third, the changes in the rules and mechanisms of Pokemon GO are traced, the co-efforts of Niantic Labs and the Pokemon company to retain players are explored, and the business model of Pokemon GO is examined.


黃厚銘(2019)。〈擴增實境遊戲Pokemon GO的流動性:遊戲機制、文化與變遷〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第47期,頁233–263。

Citation of this article:

Huang, H. (2019). The mobility of the augmented reality game Pokemon GO: Mechanisms, culture, and changes. Communication & Society, 47, 233–263.
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