January  2019 47
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
Traveling with Me! Writing on Facebook by Mature Travelers
作者 盧鴻毅
Author Hung-Yi LU
關鍵詞 旅人、臉書、旅行書寫
Keywords traveler, Facebook, travel writing
摘要 本研究試圖了解臉書上的旅行書寫對熟齡旅人的意義何在?為此,本研究於2017年6月至12月之間,針對10位會在臉書上書寫旅行種種的熟齡旅人進行深度訪談。訪談結果發現,受訪者之所以喜歡在臉書上進行旅行書寫,大多因為從小就對文字或拍照存有一份眷戀,臉書出現後,讓他們有機會延續過往的興趣,一圓素人書寫、拍照及展演的夢想;在臉書平台上,受訪者享受「資訊分享」的快樂,甚至藉由書寫緬懷過去,強化人際網絡;由於臉書書寫被視為一種旅行紀錄,筆調傾向自由輕鬆,對某些旅人來說,寫作就是一種感覺「自我存在」的過程,但「重熟齡」旅人的書寫比較保守,當他們感覺臉書上的旅行書寫涉及隱私問題時,傾向採取「有所為,有所不為」的自我揭露及展演方式。
Abstract Based on data collected from one-on-one interviews, this study explores the meaning of travel writing for mature travelers. Ten participants were recruited to participate in this study from June to December in 2017. The findings showed that the participants were interested in writing and photography since they were young, which reinforced their intentions to write on Facebook while they traveled. Travel writing helped the participants fulfill their dreams of being a writer. The participants loved to write when they traveled because they enjoyed the feeling of sharing. Writing also helped the participants to preserve their memories and establish solid social networks. The participants revealed that they perceived writing as a way of recording their travels and that they tended to write about their travels without setting any boundaries. Hence, travel writing was a process of perceiving “self-existence.” Travel writing was also related to privacy issues, which inspired some participants not to reveal every detail about their travel experiences.



Citation of this article:

Lu, H.-Y.(2019). Traveling with me! Writing on Facebook by mature travelers. Communication & Society, 47, 199–232.

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