January  2019 47
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
Social Relations in Mobility: Effects of Mobile Telephony on the Social Capital of Delivery Workers in Shanghai
作者 張玉璞
Author Yupu ZHANG
關鍵詞 上海市外賣騎手、移動媒體、社會資本、城鄉流動、移動工作者
Keywords delivery workers in Shanghai, mobile telephony, social capital, rural-urban migration, mobility
摘要 外賣騎手「城鄉流動者」和「移動工作者」的雙重身份將其置於流動的社會實踐中,「移動性」較強的外賣騎手需持續使用移動媒體進行工作以協調其「移動性」,完成「線上履約」的過程,較長的工作時間也使其日常交往主要經由移動社交媒體進行。本文基於社會資本理論,建立外賣騎手移動媒體使用與社會資本的結構方程模型,對302位上海市外賣騎手的問卷調查結果發現:社交導向移動媒體使用能夠顯著正向影響粘結型社會資本,但不能正向預測橋接型社會資本;工作導向移動媒體使用能顯著正向影響粘結型社會資本,但不能正向預測橋接型社會資本。研究還發現,外賣騎手家庭(鄉土)歸屬感需求與維繫鄉土關係動機和新建非鄉土關係動機均呈顯著正相關;城市歸屬感需求與新建非鄉土關係動機呈顯著正相關;維繫鄉土關係動機和新建非鄉土關係動機均與移動媒體使用呈顯著正相關;人際交往能力不是移動媒體使用與社會資本之間的中介變量。空間流動過程中,外賣騎手移動媒體使用讓家和家鄉既遠且近,也讓他們得以經由媒介交往在移動工作佈景下 取資源回報,但對橋接型資本積累影響不大,這讓外賣騎手在融入上海時的社會關係轉型仍存在阻礙。
Abstract The dual roles of delivery workers as “rural-urban migrants” and “mobile workers” affect their mobile social practice. Mobile telephony exposes them to the constant use of mobile telephony in coordinating with “mobility,” which is called the process of “online compliance.” Long working hours also contribute to their frequent use of mobile telephony in daily routines. Survey data self-reported by 302 delivery workers in Shanghai, China indicated that the use of social-oriented mobile telephony and work-oriented mobile telephony use is significantly positively correlated with bonding social capital. However, no correlation was found between these two types of telephony and bridging social capital. The results also showed a strong association between the need for family affiliation and the motivations for maintaining rural social relationships and initiating urban social relationships. The need for urban affiliation was strongly associated with the motivation for initiating urban social relationships. The results also showed that both motivations were significantly correlated to mobile telephony use. However, no correlation was found between communication skills and social capital. The workers’ affiliation with family and their hometowns were strengthened by using mobile telephony. Delivery workers also developed social capital through media interactions in their mobile work. However, it had a negligible impact on the accumulation of social capital, which means that delivery workers are too busy to take a further step in the transformation of their social relationships by using mobile telephony.



Citation of this article:

Zhang, Y. (2019). Social relations in mobility: Effects of mobile telephony on the social capital of delivery workers in Shanghai. Communication & Society, 47, 167–198.
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