January  2019 47
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
Mobile Work: Ride-Hailing Drivers’ Working Hours, Working Spaces, and Social Relations in Shenzhen
作者 胡楊涓、葉韋明
Author Yangjuan HU, Wei Ming YE
關鍵詞 移動工作、網約車、彈性工作、勞動監控、技術賦權
Keywords mobile work, online taxi-hailing service, flexible work, labor surveillance, technology empowerment
摘要 本文以網約車司機這一在信息和通信技術發展背景下興起的典型移動工作者為研究對象,從移動工作的勞動時間安排、空間安排和關係結構三個角度,探討技術如何將勞動者接入和安排到移動工作,以及由此發展出的關係網絡之中,揭示移動工作中的社會張力。通過對網約車司機進行深度訪談和非參與觀察發現:(1)在時間安排上,移動工作具有彈性,主要表現在工作時長、工作量、作息安排以及工作的過渡性上,但這種彈性又在分配制度的影響下變成一種偽彈性;(2)在空間安排上,技術發展解決了移動工作中的資源配置和勞動監控問題。對於勞動者來說,系統和算法成了具有相當威懾力的資源分配者,司機被置於系統和算法的監控之下進行勞動,高度信任和依賴技術;(3)在關係結構上,移動工作伴隨著社會交往的媒介化,司機同行之間多是一種鬆散的線上關係,司機與平台的媒介化交往導致雙方權責不明確,平台將責任和風險轉移給司機個體,對此司機選擇消極應對,而非協同行動。
Abstract This study on the mobile work of drivers in a car-hailing platform in China explores the effects of information and communication technology on the three dimensions of temporal arrangements, spatial arrangements, and relationship structures. It explores the ways in which technology has both connected drivers in mobile work and embedded them in relationship networks resulting from their work, thus exposing social tension. The analysis of data collected through in-depth interviews and non-participatory observations showed the following three main findings. First, mobile work is temporally flexible. Drivers can choose when and how long to work, and most see working on the car-hailing platform as a transitional phrase. However, because of the interaction between the method by which the car-hailing platform assigns job and the socioeconomic status of the drivers, this this is a pseudo-flexibility. Second, temporally, the distribution of resources and the control of labor are achieved by means of technological development. For drivers, the system and its algorithm have become the new overlord and ultimate arbitrator. They are placed inside the system, and their labor is constantly being monitored, but they also have a high level of trust in and dependence on technology. Third, in terms of relationship structure, mobile device-mediated interactions between platforms and drivers have obscured the rights and responsibilities of both parties. In the process, responsibilities and risks are transferred from the platform to individual drivers. However, the results indicated that drivers have passive attitudes toward the situation, and collective actions are not taken.



Citation of this article:

Hu, Y., & Ye, W. M. (2019). Mobile work: Ridehailing drivers’ working hours, working spaces, and social relations in Shenzhen. Communication & Society, 47, 135–165.
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