January  2019 47
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
No Landscape on the Road: Communication in City Mobile Spaces
作者 卞冬磊
Author Donglei BIAN
關鍵詞 交通、城市、移動空間、交流
Keywords transportation, city, mobile space, communication
摘要 本文批判性地闡釋了移動技術對當代城市交流的影響。本文認為,19世紀以來迅速興起的現代交通系統,是一種具有自主性特徵的移動技術,其「快速流動」之邏輯,劇烈地改變了城市的傳統性質,創造出一個以「上下班」為主要日常實踐、具有特殊交流形式的「移動空間」。作為移動空間的物質基礎,以快速流動為目的修建之道路、立交橋和隧道等,構成了現代城市的重要風景,但卻難以像傳統城市那樣容納人的停留;作為移動空間的實踐形式,人流和車流臨時聚集起眾多的陌生人,卻只能生成「避免交流」式的關係;尤其隨著近年來最「適合移動」之手機媒體的介入,「共處而不交流」升級為「自然化」狀態,加劇了移動空間中的消極關係。路上無風景。在交通技術的統治下,人們或尋求更快地移動,或安於家創造的固定性;替代性的各類「慢行空間」亦無法恢復富有生機的城市生活。其結果是,在城市中停留、接觸和交談的非正式交流越發寥寥,人們就不大可能再投身於一種積極的公共生活。
Abstract This article provides a critical examination of the effects of mobile technology on urban communication. In this article, it is argued that the modern transportation system, which was invented in the 19th century, is an autonomous technology. The logic of “rapid flow” has changed the nature of the city and created a mobile space where special interactions occur. Roads, overpasses, and tunnels constitute the city’s appearance, but permanent accommodation is difficult. In context, mobile space is populated by strangers, which leads to “avoid communication” relationships. Remarkably, with the emergence of mobile phones, although being “present without interaction” has become acceptable, the negative relationships in mobile space are exacerbated. Hence, there is no landscape on the road. Ruled by mobile technology, it is impossible to avoid the effects of mobile technology. Users try to move faster, stay at home, or create an alternative space. However, because of the decreasing opportunities to stay, walk, and chat in public spaces, people are not optimistic about the positive aspects of public life.



Citation of this article:

Bian, D. (2019). No landscape on the road: Communication in city mobile spaces. Communication & Society, 47, 29–54.
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