January  2019 47
The Changing Landscape of Content Analysis: Reflections on Social Construction of Reality and Beyond
作者 克勞斯.克里彭多夫、蘇鑰機
Author Klaus KRIPPENDORFF, Clement Y. K. SO
Abstract Prof. Klaus Krippendorff is Gregory Bateson Emeritus Professor of Communication at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania. He received his PhD in communications from the University of Illinois (Urbana) in 1967. He has received numerous awards and honours over the years. To name just a few, he received a Doctor of Philosophy honoris causa from the Linneaus University in Kalmar/Vaxjo, Sweden in 2012. He is an elected Fellow of the International Communication Association (ICA) and was its president in 1984–85. He is an elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in 1982. His book Content Analysis: An Introduction to Its Methodology received the ICA Fellows Book Award in 2004. He has published extensively in many fields including communication, research methodology, semantics, information theory, design, cybernetics, etc. In this academic dialogue, he talks about how he first came to the U. S. from Germany and his early encounter with the method of content analysis. He elaborates on his unique approach to the methodology of content analysis, its changes in practice over the years, as well as his insights on communication scholarship. His organic involvement in and cross-pollination of many related fields listed above is also revealed.



Citation of this article:

So, C. Y. K. (Ed.) (2019). The changing landscape of content analysis: Reflections on social construction of reality and beyond. Communication & Society, 47, 1–27.
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