January  2015 31
專輯論文Special Issue Articles
Causal Attributions and Frames: An Examination of Media Coverage of Obesity among Adults and Children
作者 沈福元、嚴昌民
Author Fuyuan SHEN, Changmin YAN
關鍵詞 肥胖症、歸因框架
Keywords obesity, media framing
摘要 成千上萬的美國兒童和成年人被肥胖問題所困擾。導致肥胖症的因素被認為是多方面的,包括基因因素、社會系統和個人行為方面的因素。此外,食物攝入和身體運動等方面的失衡也是導致肥胖症的因素之一。對於兒童和成年人的肥胖症,新聞媒體是將其歸結於什麼原因、又是否給出了什麼解決方案?為了了解新聞媒體如何報道不同年齡階段肥胖症的原因和解決方案,我們對《紐約時報》1985–2011年關於肥胖症的報道進行了內容分析。我們發現報道成年人肥胖症的時候,新聞媒體更傾向於指責個人不合理的行為、基因因素和生理方面的原因、以及不健康的食物攝取方式。與之相應的是,對於如何改善和解決成年人肥胖症,媒體報道中提出的解決方案總是強調改變生活方式和臨床醫學和藥物治療與控制。另一方面,對於兒童的肥胖症,媒體認為最主要的原因是不健康食品的市場營銷。因此,媒體報道指出,應對這一問題最主要的解決方案是讓兒童難以獲得垃圾食品。研究結果的意義也在本文文末一併指明。
Abstract Obesity affects millions of adults and children in the United States. The causes of obesity have been associated with a variety of genetic, systemic, and individual behaviors. This study attempts to determine the ways in which the media frame the causes of obesity and whether the causes of obesity differ between adults and children. We conducted a content analysis of the coverage of obesity in The New York Times from 1985 to 2011. The results suggested that obesity among adults was much more likely than in children to be attributed to individual behaviors, genetic and biological reasons, and unhealthy food intake. Consistent with this finding, clinical and pharmaceutical solutions, as well as lifestyle changes were often cited as solutions to the problem of obesity among adults. In contrast, obesity among children was predominantly attributed to systemic causes, such as the marketing of unhealthy foods and impediments to exercising at home and in school. Hence, the prescribed solutions to the problem of obesity in children are mainly school-related. The implications of these results are discussed.



Citation of this article:

Shen, F., & Yan, C. (2015). Causal attributions and frames: An examination of media coverage of obesity among adults and children. Communication & Society, 31, 45–64.
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