October  2018 46
傳播論壇Communication Forum
Evaluating the Chinese Journals in Journalism and Communication
作者 羅文輝、紀盈如、李宗亞
Author Ven-Hwei LO, Yingru JI, Zongya LI
關鍵詞 中文新聞傳播期刊、期刊評估、期刊品質、期刊影響力
Keywords Chinese journals in journalism and communication, journal ranking, journal quality, journal influence
摘要 為了評估中文新聞傳播學術期刊的品質與影響力,本研究採用問卷調查法訪問415位在中國、香港、台灣、澳門、新加坡與美國任教的新聞傳播學者。調查結果發現,在閱讀頻率方面,《傳播與社會學刊》是受訪學者最常收看的期刊,其次為《新聞與傳播研究》與《國際新聞界》。在期刊水準方面,《傳播與社會學刊》也是受訪者認為水準最高的期刊,其次為《新聞與傳播研究》和《新聞學研究》。在期刊影響力方面,《傳播與社會學刊》仍然是受訪者認為影響力最大的期刊,其次是《新聞與傳播研究》與《國際新聞界》。在引用頻率方面,《新聞與傳播研究》則是受訪學者最常引用的期刊,其次為《國際新聞界》與《傳播與社會學刊》。
Abstract To assess the relative quality and prestige of the Chinese journals in journalism and communication, 415 scholars from mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, Singapore and the United States were surveyed and the results showed that the most frequently read journal was Communication & Society, followed by Journalism and Communication and Chinese Journal of Journalism and Communication. The results of the survey also found that respondents assigned the highest quality ranking to Communication & Society, followed by Journalism and Communication, Mass Communication Research, and Chinese Journal of Journalism and Communication. With regard to journal influence, the mean influence ratings for the journals indicate that Communication & Society ranks highest, followed by Journalism and Communication, Chinese Journal of Journalism and Communication, and Mass Communication Research. In terms of frequency of citations, Journalism and Communication was the most frequently cited journal, followed by Chinese Journal of Journalism and Communication. Communication & Society ranked number three in frequency of citations.



Citation of this article:

Lo, V.-H., Ji, Y., & Li, Z.(2018). Evaluating the Chinese journals in journalism and communication. Communication & Society, 46, 183–213.
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