October  2018 46
研究論文Research Articles
Social Capital, Internet Usage, and Self-Rated Health: An Empirical Study Based on China Family Panel Studies
作者 馬志浩、吳玫
Author Zhihao MA, Mei WU
關鍵詞 社會資本、互聯網使用、自評健康、健康傳播
Keywords social capital, Internet usage, self-rated health, health communication
摘要 本文利用中國家庭追蹤調查2014年的數據分別對社會資本對自評健康的影響、互聯網使用對社會資本的影響進行了再檢驗。並通過中介假設機制和調節假設機制來找尋社會資本、互聯網使用與自評健康之間的內在邏輯。研究發現,認知社會資本與健康自評正相關,但結構社會資本與自評健康之間並未發現顯著關聯。不同類型的互聯網使用對社會資本的影響存在不同效果,簡言之,互聯網學習、互聯網工作、互聯網社交、互聯網商業活動可以促進社會資本,而互聯網娛樂能夠損害社會資本。在三組變量的內在邏輯的檢驗中,對於城市受訪者,中介假設邏輯和調節假設邏輯同時存在。對於農村受訪者,調節假設邏輯被證實。本文還對本研究發現的意義、不足和未來方向進行了討論。
Abstract This study drew data from China Family Panel Studies in wave 2014 to explore the relationships between social capital and self-rated health, Internet usage, and social capital. The mechanism of the internal relations between these three variables was also investigated. The results revealed that the relation between cognitive social capital and self-rated health was positive, whereas no significant relation was found between structural social capital and self-rated health. The effects of Internet usage on social capital were mixed. Briefly, Internet learning, Internet working, Internet socializing, and Internet commercial activities had positive effects on social capital, while Internet entertainment reduced social capital. For urban participants, both the mediating and moderating mechanisms of the relationship between social capital, Internet usage, and self-rated health existed. For rural participants, the moderating mechanism was observed. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study as well as future directions were discussed.



Citation of this article:

Ma, Z., & Wu, M. (2018). Social capital, Internet usage, and self-rated health: An empirical study based on China family panel studies. Communication & Society, 46, 53–88.
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