July  2018 45
研究論文Research Articles
Cultural Proximity and Power Negotiations: An Ethnographic Study on Television Format Production in China
作者 曾溫娜、柯林.斯巴克斯
Author Wenna ZENG, Colin SPARKS
關鍵詞 電視模式、本土化、中韓節目、文化相似性、權力協商
Keywords format show, localization, Chinese and Korean TV Program, cultural proximity, power negotiation
摘要 本文採用人類學參與性觀察和深入採訪的研究方法,以中國當紅的韓國模式節目《奔跑吧 兄弟》作為研究案例,重點分析中國電視製作團隊與模式版權方所代表的自上而下的權力在本土化過程中的協商過程。在文章中,作者首先分析韓國導演和中國製作團隊的權力關係變化,並認為擁有更多更專業知識的一方並不能總在權力結構中佔據上風;第二,文化相似性並不能解釋所有全球化背景下產生的文化現象,相反,文化差異和政治壁壘更多的干預了電視模式節目的本土化。本文對協商過程的實證描述彌補了國際學術上對此方面的空缺,同時,對全球化和文化相似性的探討提供了實證證據。
Abstract Based on participant observation and in-depth interviews, this study conducts an analysis of the decision-making process in the production of Hurry Up, Brother, which is a Korean format show that is localized in China. The findings show that localization involves the process of power negotiations. The findings emphasize the power relations between local production teams and the owner of the Korean format show, who represents the predominant power. Based on the findings, the author concludes that knowledge does not guarantee power. Furthermore, the findings show that rather than cultural proximity, cultural distance and political issues influence decision making in television production. This detailed ethnographic study contributes to television studies as well as the discussion on globalization and cultural proximity.



Citation of this article:

Zeng, W., & Sparks, C. (2018). Cultural proximity and power negotiations: An ethnographic study on television format production in China. Communication & Society, 45, 91–120.
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