July  2018 45
研究論文Research Articles
Power and Information Paradox: A State Perspective on Studying Chinese Media
作者 林芬
Author Fen LIN
關鍵詞 信息賦權、信息悖論、權力、國家– 媒體關係、威權體制
Keywords information empowerment, information paradox, power, state–media relations, authoritarian regime
摘要 在解釋威權國家的媒體轉型的研究中,「信息賦權」機制一直佔據主流地位。儘管市場和傳播技術能提供海量的多元化信息,但是它不足以詮釋中國媒體轉型中所面臨的信息悖論:一方面,市場與傳播技術為新聞提供更多自主空間的同時,也帶來了新聞保守主義的新形式;另一方面,威權國家的權力在受到信息挑戰的同時,卻又增強了其控制媒體的能力。因此,本文從國家角度出發,更新了Lin(2012)所提出的「信息衝突」模型,結合中國媒體近年來的發展,從權力的不同維度提出國家與媒體的動態關係的不同類型,解釋國家如何有區別地對待海量信息所帶來的挑戰。本文認為市場化除了提供海量信息之外,更在根本上分化了不同本質的信息,為國家控制媒體的權力結構的轉型提供空間:「國家–媒體」關係由單維度結構轉變為多維度結構,從而為國家在面對信息挑戰時提供了制度彈性。
Abstract “Information empowerment” has been a key part of investigating media transition in authoritarian regimes. Although the market and communication technology open the door to an abundant and diverse range of information, these two factors are not adequate to explain the “information paradox” that has occurred during the Chinese media transition. Marketization and technology allow for relatively more journalistic autonomy, but they have also brought new forms of journalistic conservatism. Meanwhile, the authoritarian state has tightened its control over mass media when its power is challenged by the increasing availability of information. Therefore, this article takes a state perspective to explain how China is handling the challenges of the information age. Modifying the “information conflicts” model proposed by Lin (2012), I investigate the multiple dimensions of power and update the typology of state–media dynamics. I argue that marketization results in a greater diversity of information, but it also differentiating different types of information, which facilitates the power transition in state–media relations. As a result, media controls in China have shifted from a single-to a multi-dimensional structure that offers temporary institutional resilience against the challenges of the information era.



Citation of this article:

Lin, F. (2018). Power and information paradox: A state perspective on studying Chinese media. Communication & Society, 45, 19–46.
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