July  2018 45
Teaching and Researching Communication in Mainland China
作者 朱立、王彥
Author Leonard L. CHU, Yan WANG
Abstract This exchange summarizes decades of Leonard L. Chu's reflections on teaching and researching communication in Mainland China. Chu, who is a veteran educator of journalism and communication, is professor emeritus at National Chengchi University in Taiwan. Chu's family background epitomizes many in contemporary China. Known for his grasp of comparative media systems, international communication, and media in Mainland China, Chu has taught at universities in Hong Kong, Australia and Taiwan for 40 years. His numerous publications on education in Chinese media and journalism have influenced many young communication scholars in the pan-Chinese region. In 2012, Chu's contributions to this field won him the fourth Master Hsing Yun Journalism and Communication Education Award. For the Chinese Communication Society's annual convention in 2016, Chu organized a panel entitled Teaching Mainland China Media at Overseas Universities. At the panel, he ruled out the possibility of a universally applicable model for course organizers although he revealed that he used a socio-historical approach. Quoting communication doyen Wilbur Schramm and pioneer psychologist Lewin Kurt, Chu stated that he is convinced of the practical benefits of theory. Indeed, he said that he encourages his students to apply theory in organizing the myriad of information about China's media, which is scattered among various academic disciplines.


Citation of this article:
Wang, Y. (Ed). (2018). Teaching and researching communication in Mainland China. Communication & Society, 45, 1–18.
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