July  2017 41
傳播論壇Communication Forum
Where to Go, How to Spread, and What to Root: The Prospects and Development of Chinese Communication Studies
作者 徐來、黃煜傳
Author Lai XU, Yu HUANG
關鍵詞 新媒體、傳播學刊、發展前景與格局、中華傳播學門
Keywords new media, communication journal, development prospect, pattern, Chinese school of communication
摘要 新媒體時代下,中華新聞傳播學的建構、轉型與發展,成為華人傳播學術共同體亟需應對的時代之思。學科的發展與學刊休戚相關,藉《傳播與社會學刊》創刊十週年之際,全球各地華人新聞傳播學刊主編們齊聚香江,共襄盛舉,針對新媒體技術衝擊下的中華新聞傳播學(刊)應「向何處去?」、「倚何處立?」與「以何為本?」的問題各抒己見,秉持中華新聞傳播學(刊)應向著研究內容求「本」、求「實」,信息平台建構求「共」、求「新」,學術人文關懷求「真」、求「深」的發展目標與方向,期待華人傳播研究者立足中華傳播文化、聚焦本土傳播實踐、齊力發展新時代下的中華傳播學門。
Abstract In the information age, the construction, transformation, and development of Chinese communication studies have become urgent tasks of all Chinese communication scholars. Because the growth of communication scholarship is closely related to the development of communication journals, it is a principal issue for the editors of academic journals. To mark the 10th anniversary of Communication and Society, eleven editors of major Chinese communication journals came together to discuss ways to develop Chinese communication studies and to enhance the quality of the journals. Consensus was reached in answering the questions, "where to go?" "how to spread?" and "what to root" in Chinese communication studies. The editors emphasized embracing new media platforms, and social science–cum–humanistic approaches in communication research. They also called for encouraging Chinese communication scholars to pursue their research agendas based on cultural and societal conditions and to focus on indigenous communication practices, processes, and patterns to develop dynamic Chinese communication scholarship.



Citation of this article:

Xu, L., & Huang, Y. (2017). Where to go, how to spread, and what to root: The prospects and development of Chinese communication studies. Communication & Society, 41, 251–275.

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