July  2017 41
研究論文Research Articles
Construction and Perfection of Intercultural Dialog in Interality
作者 楊石華
Author Shihua YANG
關鍵詞 跨文化傳播、文化對話間性空間、同構、濡化、休憩區域
Keywords intercultural communication, intercultural dialog interality space, isomorphism, acculturation, rest zone
摘要 本文借鑒哲學中的「間性」、心理學中的「格式塔」理論,聚焦於跨文化傳播過程中的跨文化對話間性空間,力圖跳出傳播學學門視野的局限性,嘗試對其作相對全面的關照。本文認為:由於有著文化普遍價值的存在,在不同文化間存在著文化間性,致使在跨文化傳播過程中會形成一個文化對話的間性空間。因此跨文化傳播的本質可看做是不同的文化在跨文化間性空間中進行文化對話、協商及調整,進而實現文化進化的一個過程。跨文化對話間性空間的形成是一個複雜的同構與濡化過程,有著自身獨特的建構與完善機制,對提升跨文化傳播的效能有著關鍵性作用。本文將對其建構與完善的過程、機制及其特點、影響因素作簡要分析。最後,本文還以作為跨文化對話間性空間實體化實踐的跨國企業辦公建築中的「休憩區域」為例,進行相應論述。
Abstract Adopting the philosophy of interality and the psychological theory of Gestalt in psychology, this study focuses on the space of intercultural dialog in intercultural communication. The purpose of the study is to expand the perspective of communication in order to present a comprehensive description. In the presence of universal values of culture and interactions between different cultures, the interality of intercultural dialog is developed in the process of intercultural communication. In this regard, the essence of intercultural communication can be deemed a process of achieving interality through cultural dialog, negotiation, and adjustment between different cultures. The formation of intercultural dialog is a complex process of isomorphism and acculturation, which is characterized by unique mechanisms of construction and perfection. Such dialog plays a key role in enhancing the effectiveness of intercultural communication. In this study, the processes, mechanisms, features, and influencing factors of its construction and perfection are briefly analyzed. The practical manifestation of this concept is exemplified by the interality of intercultural dialog in the "rest zone" in office buildings of multinational corporations.



Citation of this article:

Yang, S. (2017). Construction and perfection of intercultural dialog in interality. Communication & Society, 41, 217–250.
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