July  2017 41
研究論文Research Articles
Taiwanese Women and Travel: Media Representations, Practices, and Identities in the 1980s and 1990s
作者 姜穎
Author Ying CHIANG
關鍵詞 性別與休閒、性別的空間、休閒社會學、旅行
Keywords gender and leisure, gendered space, leisure sociology, travel
摘要 「旅行」所帶來的之抽離與破例,被視為具有重要的性別意義。本研究透過再現分析與深度訪談,建構一個1980、1990年代台灣女人與旅行的論述圖像。台灣自1978年起開放出國觀光,1980年代後,「名女人」成為言說台灣女性旅遊經驗的重要代言人。海外旅遊之「心靈成長」、「知性」與「國族主義」意義,在大眾媒體再現過程中持續被生產與構連。同時,海外自助旅行風氣成形,女性為自助旅行的主要行動者在1980年代初期已經確立,並被視為是女性衝破傳統性別角色規範的賦權行動,但異國空間仍被再現為危險的公共空間。1990 年代後,媒體再現出知性、都會、高學歷、冒險犯難的女旅人形象,海外自助旅行已成為此時中產階級台灣女性重要的成就感符號,女旅人被一般女性視為重要的典範與啟示來源。然而,傳統性別二元論述依舊存在,熱衷於旅遊的女旅人仍是「另類女人」。1990開始,旅遊書寫變得普及,為2000年代後網際網路時代的眾聲喧嘩奠基。
Abstract This study focuses on the changes in media discourses of gender and tourism in Taiwanese society in the 1980s and 1990s. The purpose of the study is to analyze the link between gendered power and tourism by exploring the representations of female travelers in mass media, tourist guidebooks, and the life experiences of female travelers. In the 1980s, female travelers in Taiwan were represented as passive tourists with fragile bodies. As a female space, travel was portrayed as risky and fraught with sexual temptation. However, the discourse has changed. For female travelers, the space of tourism has become a source of knowledge, enjoyment, and confidence. Women relate their own experiences of travel. The heteroglossia of Taiwanese women's travel discourses constitutes a terrain of identity construction in the medial discourses of gender and tourism.


姜穎(2017)。〈台灣女性旅人的媒體再現與性別意涵(1980–2000)〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第41 期,頁181–215。

Citation of this article:

Chiang, Y. (2017). Taiwanese women and travel: Media representations, practices, and identities in the 1980s and 1990s. Communication & Society, 41, 181–215.
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