July  2017 41
研究論文Research Articles
Heteroglossia in Social Media during the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement: Exploring Multi-language Tweets
作者 鄭宇君、陳百齡
Author Yu-Chung CHENG, Pai-Lin CHEN
關鍵詞 社交媒體、雨傘運動、多重語言使用、社會運動、Twitter
Keywords social media, Umbrella Movement, Twitter, multi-language, social movement, civil disobedience
摘要 在2014年9月爆發的香港雨傘運動當中,社交媒體無疑扮演了重要的角色,本研究以Twitter為資料收集平台,收集了香港雨傘運動自2014年8月到12月共160萬筆推文資料,透過鉅量資料分析取徑,探討不同語言的Twitter用戶對於香港雨傘運動的討論,進一步比較Twitter上的繁體中文社群、廣東話社群、英語社群、簡體中文社群對於此一事件的關注情況與傳播模式差異。

本研究發現,Twitter英語社群的關注集中在雨傘運動的開始與結束,參與形式主要透過轉推(retweet)國際媒體帳號的貼文;Twitter 上的本地社群(繁體中文與廣東話社群)的參與較為持續,許多人都有自己的話想說,像是表達意見、張貼連結或照片,他們展現了網絡化運動中參與者的自主性;此外,Twitter的跨語言或跨地域用戶是不同社會網絡之間的橋樑,無論是使用多重語言的用戶,或是住在香港的外籍人士,他們的個人社交網絡上有著來自不同國家的人際網絡,因此能夠第一時間將運動現場的狀況透過人際網絡轉遞出去,有助於全球社交媒體中的訊息擴散。
Abstract In 2014, the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong arose from the protests of student activists against the implementation of the new electoral system, which evolved into civil disobedience. Similar to the Sunflower Movement in Taiwan a few months earlier, the Chinese factor influenced the Umbrella Movement, which drew the attention of Taiwanese and Chinese communities overseas. Through the coverage by Western media, global citizens became aware of the Umbrella Movement, which Time Magazine deemed the most important global event of 2014. We analyzed 1.6 million tweets about the Umbrella Movement, which were posted on the social media platform Twitter between August and December 2014. We aimed to compare the discussions of this movement by Twitter users in different language communities in order to characterize the differences in the modes of communication among the Hong Kong community, the English-speaking community, and the Chinese community. This study yielded two main findings. First, the foci of attention to the Umbrella Movement in the foreign (English-speaking) community occurred mainly at the beginning and the end of the protest. Most English-speaking users participated by retweeting the posts in international media. In contrast, the local community's participation was continuous. Furthermore, many local users created original content, such as personal comments, hyperlinks, and photographs, which were indicated the participants' autonomy in this networked movement. Second, multi-language users acted as bridges in the social networks. Because these users were connected to people in different countries, the posts on their personal networks were disseminated worldwide through social media.


鄭宇君、陳百齡(2017)。〈香港雨傘運動的眾聲喧嘩:探討Twitter社群的多語系貼文〉。《傳播與社會學刊》,第41 期,頁81–117。

Citation of this article:

Cheng, Y.-C. & Chen, P.-L. (2017). Heteroglossia in social media during the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement: Exploring Multilanguage tweets. Communication & Society, 41, 81–117.

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